StyleCraze is a global women's platform that aims to answer one question: what do women want? From health and wellness to lifestyle and beauty – it provide answers to women in all spheres to celebrate their unique needs and individuality. Their goal is to empower women from all walks of life and various intersections of identity to lead healthier and happier lives.
Client: React, Redux, Chakra UI, JavaScript
Server: Node, Express
Database MongoDB
Application state is managed with Redux-toolkit.
Product Page where all items are visible.
Cart Page where on basis of requirement you can change quantity upto only stock available.
All components are cross-device cross-platform compatible and responsive in nature.
Authentication done with Backend where data is getting stored in MongoDB.
Hashing and Salting executed to Hash password.
BMI calculator is there where you can check BMI.
Exercise page where all Exercises are listed and few details of it.
GET /prod/getprod
GET /prod/getprod/${_id}
Parameter | Type | Description |
_id |
string |
Required. Id of item to fetch |
This is the landing page when user visits for the website for first time.
Intrested Users can checkout Products and if they wish to buy some.
Product Details shown in this page for much clarity about item.
Cart Page is concluding page where if user want to purchase item can confirm over here. If quantity is Red means it is outof stock unless it teal in color by default.
Product Details shown in this page for much clarity about item.
If user Intrested in any special kind of Exercise and wish to its Details then can do visit this page to get much clarity.
If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at [email protected]
Incase of any technical glitch visitor face in signup then can use Dummy Credentials provided below to login
Email: [email protected]