A breadboard mockup of I2C and SPI interfaces expected to be on SPOC and MOCI. Currently, Arduinos are acting as each subsystem, and a Raspberry Pi Model B+ V1.2.
Example code was obtained from the following: https://blog.retep.org/2014/02/15/connecting-an-arduino-to-a-raspberry-pi-using-i2c/
The Arduinos require the Wire library, which is included in the main directory if it isn't already packaged with the Arduino IDE installation.
Currently, all subsystems are being emulated or are over simplified.
TRX --> Arduino Mega ATMEGA2560 ADCS --> Arudino Pro Mini GPS --> Arduino Uno N1CU --> Arduino Uno EPS --> Arduino Leo Pro Micro
The Raspberry Pi is acting as the On-Board Computer for the satellites. Though the processor isn't the same as what will be on the satellites, it has roughly similar ARM architecture.