Short project, used to help solve substitution ciphers
Make sure to download the provided dictionary or use your own dictionary when running the code, separate each word by a newline
Input 1 to Input text
Input 2 to Read from file
Input 1 to find the pattern of the word (EX: banana = abcbcb)
Input 2 to find a list of all matching words to the pattern (EX: banana: batata, bororo, carara, derere, ...)
Make sure you cd into the directory where your dictionary is stored
If providing your own dictionary, change name of dictionary to "word_alpha.txt" or change it in the code on Line 46
Dictionary "word_alpha.txt" is 370,000+ words long
I found this helps for longer texts of substitution ciphers, if you find the longest word in a ciphertext, you can run the code with the ciphertext and find possible words for the ciphertext, adding it into your key to help decipher the rest of the text