370 commits
to develop
since this release
0.22.0 (2024-07-02)
Bug Fixes
- better local DID Document conversion from identifiers (e332562)
- determine kid function can have a null verification method which was not taken into account (d80a945)
- getKey method was not looking at existing vms or purpose metadata values (36619d6)
- getKey method was not working well with did#vm or #vm key ids (b04eb3f)
- Key metadata was switched for Secp256k1 and Secp256r1 keys (ae174aa)
- kid determination of a key should look for jwk thumbprint as well (d00e984)
- our exported JWK depended on another lib, which is not needed. Also was not compatible with Jose, which is heavily used (8b20d61)
- x5c is an array in a JWK (58f607f)
- remove did-provider-ebsi in favor of ebsi-support, which can also handle everything the old provider did (5299044)
- Add service and key for EBSI DIDs (4ec6f18)
- Add support to find keys by thumbprint, and not have to resolve to DID resolution in all cases (d37c772)
- Added getAuthenticationKey getPrimaryIdentifier & createIdentifier to did-utils (7360ab6)
- remove @sphereon/ssi-sdk-ext.did-provider-ebsi, which has been replaced with @sphereon/ssi-sdk.ebsi-support