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Realpad Takeout API Client to back up the data stored in the system.


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Realpad Takeout API Client for PHP

Realpad Takeout

for real estate developer IT / reporting departments, integrators, and other 3rd parties

This document describes how to use the Realpad Takeout API to back up the data stored in the system. Both structured data (such as lists of customers, deals, etc) and files uploaded to the CRM (unit plans, contract scans, ...) can be automatically retrieved this way. You are encouraged to implement an automatic backup system that will download the data from our server at any frequency you prefer, and use the data as a source for a reporting solution, or any other purpose.


First of all please contact [email protected] to obtain the credentials to use the Takeout API endpoints. You will perform POST requests over HTTPS and then store the resulting data. Most of the Takeout endpoints have just 2 parameters, both required: login`` and password`.

To configure API client please define this Environment variables first:


(Configuration mechanism can also use The PHP constants)

Example call in cURL:


// You can also specifi the credentials in constructor call:
$client = new \SpojeNet\Realpad\ApiClient('login','password);
$responseCode = $client->doCurlRequest($client->baseEndpoint . 'ws/v10/list-resources', 'POST');
$dataObtained = $client->lastCurlResponse;


Endpoints with XML payload


$client = new \SpojeNet\Realpad\ApiClient();
$resources = $client->listResources();

Example of response:

    [b19ddfdd-70f1-44cc-8457-190977152325] => Array
            [uid] => b19ddfdd-70f1-44cc-8457-190121223233
            [content-type] => application/pdf
            [file-name] => SomeFile.pdf
            [size] => 1679680
            [checksum] => a78bbad8279871223313232b40d1d32e92060be06ea16bf4eeece8c503b6369b
            [position] => 0

    [5e09db8c-b97e-45a3-8872-abe623232d56] => Array
            [uid] => 5e09db8c-b97e-45a3-8872-abe60a232123
            [content-type] => application/xml
            [file-name] => Bankovni_doklady.xml
            [size] => 566580
            [checksum] => 333553a21c200020a20eb3213232132132132114903eb9aa8e4a1ca7030373e8
            [position] => 1

uid is the unique identifier of this resource, by which it can be retrieved using get-projects.

content-type is the MIME type of the file, resolved when uploaded to the system (it’s the best guess).

file-name is the original file name when it was uploaded to the system.

size is the file size in bytes.

crc is the CRC32 checksum of the file.

This endpoint will always return all the resources. It’s up to your system to determine which ones you haven’t downloaded yet. You may rely on UID as the unique identifier to distinguish between the files.

You can fetch resources using HTTP GET by retrieving a URL in the following

$client = new \SpojeNet\Realpad\ApiClient();
$resources = $client->getResource(RESOURCE_UID);


All of these endpoints return a single Excel file with a .xls extension, containing all the relevant data stored in our system. These endpoints behave just like get-resource, in that the HTTP headers contain a reasonable file name (e.g. when running from a web browser). If an extra parameter xlsx is sent with a non-empty value, Takeout API will instead provide the data in the Excel newer .xlsx format.

list-excel-customers The last column contains the unique customer ID from the Realpad database.

    [2] => Array
            [Projekt] => Nove Město 3 - C
            [Datum přidání] => 6/20/2017
            [Stav] => Postaveno
            [E-mail] => [email protected]
            [Jméno] => Ukazkovy Zakaznik
            [Tagy] => 
            [Zákazník ID] => 4268453
            [Prodejce ID] => 914756
            [Stav ID] => 1
            [Zdroj ID] => 12

list-excel-products The last columns contain the unique unit ID, numeric ID of the unit type, numeric ID of the unit availability, unique project ID and deal ID from the Realpad database. See the appendix for the unit type and availability enums.

list-excel-business-cases The last column contains the unique Deal ID from the Realpad database.

list-excel-projects The last column contains the unique project ID from the Realpad database.

list-excel-deal-documents The last three columns contain the unique document ID, customer ID, and sales agent ID from the Realpad database. The first column is the relevant deal ID.

list-excel-payments-prescribed The last column contains the unique payment ID from the Realpad database. The second column is the relevant deal ID.

list-excel-payments-incoming The first column contains the unique incoming payment ID from the Realpad database. The second column is the relevant Deal ID.

list-excel-additional-products The last columns contain the additional product ID, its type ID, and the ID of the associated prescribed payment from the Realpad database. The first column is the relevant deal ID.

list-excel-inspections Among the columns, there are those representing the deal ID and inspection ID from the Realpad database.

list-excel-defects Accepts an additional optional parameter mode. By default all the Deal Warranty Claim Defects are returned. Certain developers will also see the Communal Areas Defects here by default. If mode is specified, other Defects can be returned. Available modes are: DEAL_DEFECTS, DEAL_DEFECTS_COMMUNAL_AREA, DEAL_DEFECTS_COMBINED, INSPECTION_DEFECTS, INSPECTION_DEFECTS_COMMUNAL_AREA, INSPECTION_DEFECTS_COMBINED. The last column contains the unique defect ID from the Realpad database. The second column is the relevant deal ID.

$client = new \SpojeNet\Realpad\ApiClient();
$defects = $client->listDefects('DEAL_DEFECTS');
    [2] => Array
            [Projekt] => Nove Sidliste
            [Obchodní případ] => 12323234
            [Typ kontroly] => Technická přejímka
            [Typ položky technické přejímky] => Podlahy
            [Jednotka] => TEST TECHNICKÁ PŘEJÍMKA
            [Zákazník] => REALPAD TEST
            [Telefon] => 
            [E-mail] => [email protected]
            [Číslo vady] => 25456542
            [Problémová vada] => Ne
            [Číslo vady dle zákazníka] => 
            [Popis] => prasklá dlažba
            [Lokace (např. místnost)] => 
            [Poslední vyjádření developera] => 
            [Odesláno zákazníkovi] => 
            [Poslední vyjádření dodavatele] => 
            [Přijato dne] => 7/7/2023
            [Termín pro odstranění vady] => 8/6/2023
            [Plánovaný termín opravy] => 
            [Odstraněna dne] => 
            [Poznámka] => 
            [Odpovědná osoba] => 
            [Speciální záruční lhůta] => Ne
            [Stav] => Přijato do evidence
            [Část bytu které sa vada týká] => 
            [Běžný problém] => 
            [Místnost, které se vada týká] => Koupelna/WC
            [Dodavatel] => 
            [Generální dodavatel] => 
            [Reklamace ID] => 25654654

list-excel-tasks The last columns contain the task ID, customer ID, and sales agent ID from the Realpad database.

list-excel-events The last columns contain the event ID, customer ID, unit, and project ID from the Realpad database.

list-excel-sales-status The last column contains the unit ID from the Realpad database.

list-excel-unit-history Accepts an additional required parameter unitid, which has to be a valid unit Realpad database ID obtained from some other endpoint. The first column contains the timestamp of when the given unit started containing the data on the given row. The second column contains the name of the user who caused that data to be recorded.

list-excel-invoices Accepts several additional optional parameters:

filter_status - if left empty, invoices in all statuses are sent. 1 - new invoices. 2 - invoices in Review #1. 3 - invoices in Review #2. 4 - invoices in approval. 5 - fully approved invoices. 6 - fully rejected invoices.

filter_groupcompany - if left empty, invoices from all the group companies are sent. If Realpad database IDs of group companies are provided (as a comma-separated list), then only invoices from these companies are sent.

● `filter_issued_from`` - specify a date in the 2019-12-31 format to only send invoices issues after that date.

filter_issued_to - specify a date in the 2019-12-31 format to only send invoices issues before that date. The initial set of columns describes the Invoice itself, and the last set of columns contains the data of its Lines.


Realpad Takeout API Client to back up the data stored in the system.








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