import { EmptyAttribute,analyze,getLocalName } from "attribute-analyzer"
const input = `<button on:click={() => {value++}} test="yes" :data>testing</button>`;
//Getting the local name
const name = getLocalName(input); // => button
//Analyzing the element
const analyzedElement = analyze(input); /* =>
element: {
attributeOffsets: { 'on:click': [Object], test: [Object], ':data': [Object] },
attributes: {
':data': EmptyAttribute {},
'on:click': '{() => {value++}}',
test: '"yes"'
rawElement: '<button on:click={() => {value++}} test="yes" :data>testing</button>',
rawAttributes: 'on:click={() => {value++}} test="yes" :data',
localName: 'button',
innerHTML: { content: 'testing', startOffset: 52, endOffset: 59 },
selfClosing: false
addAttribute: [Function: bound addAttribute],
removeAttribute: [Function: bound removeAttribute]
//Validating an attribute
const isEmpty = analyzedElement.element.attributes[":data"] instanceof EmptyAttribute // => true
//Adding an attribute to the element
attributes.addAttribute({"name": "on:mouseover", "value": `{() => alert("hey")}`})
console.log(attributes.element.rawElement) /* =>
<button on:click={() => {value++}} test="yes" :data on:mouseover={() => alert("hey")}>testing</button>
//Removing an attribute from the element
console.log(attributes.element.rawElement) /* =>
<button on:click={() => {value++}} test="yes" :data >testing</button>
npm install attribute-analyzer
👻 0 dependencies
😎 Fast
🐱👤 Ability to parse complex attributes