The wavetable and bank editor for the Synthesis Technology E370 and E352 Eurorack synthesizer modules.
This is a fork to add some features, fix some problems, and (hopefully) get stuff updated to build on contemporary systems. Currently it builds only on Linux, thanks to numerous dependencies on out-of-date packages and compiler conventions.
- Switched Dear ImGui sub-module to original upstream repo and updated UI code accordingly.
- Replaced osdialog sub-module with portable-file-dialogs, removing the need to link with Gtk2 on Linux.
- Fixed file-overwrite problem described in issue #17 of the original repo. Saving banks should no longer overwrite wave files.
- Added interpolation between any two wavetables. Select any contiguous range of wavetables, right-click to invoke the context menu, choose "Interpolate" to fill the range with an interpolation between the first and last tables in the range.
- Added support for loading and saving the WT wavetable file format used by
some software synths. To save a bank in WT format give it a
filename extension. When loading a bank, a file with a.wt
extension will be loaded as a WT format file. If the wavetable uses a cycle-length other than 256 samples, each waveform is resampled to 256 samples. Wavetables with more than 1024 samples per frame (cycle) will not be loaded. If the wavetable contains more than 64 frames, only the first 64 frames will be loaded.
Original comments follow.
Make dependencies with
cd dep
Clone the in-source dependencies.
cd ..
git submodule update --init --recursive
Compile the program. The Makefile will automatically detect your operating system.
Launch the program.
You can even try your luck with building the polished distributable. Although this method is unsupported, it may work with some tweaks to the Makefile.
make dist