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Pip - An Alfred Workflow for Pipeline Deals

Pip is a Pipeline Deals workflow for Alfred 2. You can manage the Notes/Activities and Tasks with it for Companies, People and Deals:

Get Started

Download the latest Pip workflow and double click it to install.

Find your API key in Account Settings > API and use it to configure Pip, right from Alfred:

pipconfig <paste your api key>

Now you can start using Pip. Check out the commands and what they do.


You can create Notes or Activities and Tasks. Both of these are not much use if you do not link them to either a Company, Person or Deal of course, so you will have to provide them. But that is easy with Pip! It has built-in search for Companies, People and Deals to make it easy to match their names. Check it out.

Notes or Activities

To create a Note for a Company use this:

pip company note Apple This company could be a major opportunity for us.

Or the shorter version:

pip cn Apple This company could be a major opportunity for us.

In this example, the company name is easy enough to type in full, but consider you want to add a task for a company called Rackspace UK. You can use only part of the name and Pip will match it for you!

pip cn Rack This could be a great place to do our hosting!

See? Pip will search for companies that match Rack and ask you which one you want to add the note to. This works the same for Deals:

pip deal note mediapartner Check our API docs before following this up

Or the shorter version:

pip dn mediapartner Check our API docs before following this up

And likewise for People:

pip personal note Steve He likes cognac

And in short:

pip pn Steve He likes cognac

Pip will find all people called Steve and you can choose the one that you need.


Tasks belong to the same entities: Companies, Deals or People and the can have a due date if you want, it is optional. Let's create some tasks!

pip company task Springest Check out their website.

Will create a task without a due date on the [Springest] company. There is a short version for this as well, for your convenience:

pip ct Springest Check out their website

The same works for Deals:

pip deal task mediapartner Send API docs

Or short:

pip dt mediapartner Send API docs

And for People:

pip personal task Jane Call about contracts

and, again, short:

pip pt Jane Call about contracts

Due dates for tasks

You can add a fuzzy due date at the end of all of the task commands:

pip pt Jane Call about contracts @tomorrow

All time options:

  • @today - Due today
  • @tomorrow - Due tommorrow
  • @week - Due next week
  • @monday or @mon - Due next monday
  • @tuesday or @tue - Due next tuesday
  • @wednesday or @wed - Due next wednesday
  • @thursday or @thu - Due next thursday
  • @friday or @fri - Due next friday

And for the workaholics:

  • @saturday or @sat - Due next saturday
  • @sunday or @sun - Due next sunday

That is all. Enjoy!


[UNMAINTAINED] Pipelinedeals workflow for Alfred






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