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Linux TPM2 & TSS2 Software
Scripts and examples from this repository...
...related to repository https://github.com/tpm2-software
...show how to install and use TPM with TPM2 Software Stack...intended to be used on Raspberry Pi.
...tested on Raspberry Pi 4B with Raspberry Pi OS based on Buster....tested with add-on boards for Raspberry Pi:
- IRIDIUM SLM9670 TPM2.0 (purchasable at mouser.com)
- LetsTrust TPM SLB9670 (purchasable at buyzero.de)
Further details can be found:
- Infineon OPTIGA™ TPM Application Notes:
- AWS IoT Greengrass Hardware Security Integration Readme
- All readme's related to the repositories used here
Plug in a TPM add-on board
Update your system
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt -y full-upgrade
Enable SPI interface on Raspberry Pi:
therefor edit the file: /boot/config.txt
$ sudo nano /boot/config.txt
and add dtparam=spi=on
to file config.txt
do $ sudo raspi-config
Enable TPM support on Raspberry Pi:
therefor edit the file: /boot/config.txt
$ sudo nano /boot/config.txt
and add dtoverlay=tpm-slb9670
to file config.txt
🔥 After the above preparation steps reboot your Raspberry Pi
and check:
$ ls /dev/tpm*
/dev/tpm0 /dev/tpmrm0
Download / clone the repository to your computer:
$ git clone https://github.com/StMaHa/tpm2-software.git
To update already cloned repository, do the following steps:
$ cd tpm2-software
$ git fetch
$ git rebase
$ cd tpm2-software
$ ./setup-tss.sh
$ ./setup-tpm2-tools.sh
(not tested yet)
$ cd tpm2-software
$ ./setup.sh
$ cd tpm2-software
$ tss2_provision
$ tss2_getrandom --numBytes=20 -data=- | hexdump -C
$ cd tpm2-software
$ tpm2_getrandom 20 | hexdump -C
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