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Stewie the Standalone GUI: Installation and Usage
Below are two options for installation and setup at Stanford.
If you're not at Stanford, please instead follow the off-site installation procedure.
This should work if
- you have your own perforce client that mounts $CHIPGEN, e.g.
CHIPGEN=/home/myname/smart_memories/Smart_design/ChipGen - or you have access to someone else's client, e.g.
% $CHIPGEN/gui/bin/stewie start /tmp/mystewie
If you're not on kiwi, you can build a clone and start it like so:
% mkdir /home/myname/mystewie; cd /home/myname/mystewie % stewie start .
From kiwi, the procedure is slightly different:
% mkdir /home/myname/mystewie; cd /home/myname/mystewie % stewie start .
In theory this should work IFF you have your own perforce client that mounts $CHIPGEN. In fact, however, it's probably more trouble than it's worth.
% $CHIPGEN/gui/bin/stewie start $CHIPGEN/gui
Note to self: If you are steveri you must do the following, to preserve your development environment: ~/gui/bin/sr_stewie_prep.sh (before) and ~/gui/bin/sr_dev_restore.sh (after).
This procedure assumes that you have installed Genesis2 at your site, and that the appropriate environment variables and paths have been set, e.g.
% setenv GENESIS_HOME /cad/genesis2/$GENESIS_VER % setenv GENESIS_LIBS $GENESIS_HOME/PerlLibs % set path = $GENESIS_LIBS/Genesis2 $GENESIS_HOME/gui/bin $path)
The example below builds a Stewie clone in a temporary location "/tmp/mystewie," which is ideal for trying out the process to see if it's going to work. In general, however, you'll want to use some more permanent location e.g. "/home/myname/mystewie".
% stewie start /tmp/mystewie
The start procedure will ask you to check and make sure the setup file /tmp/mystewie/gui/configs/setup.cshrc exists and is appropriate for your site. In general, you're going to have to build one (see "Setup File" section below).
It's best to have already made the changes to the source setup file in $GENESIS_HOME/gui/configs/ so that it doesn't have to be redone for each new clone.
At non-Stanford sites you'll need to build your own design list, either using the GUI or a text editor. Because of my own laziness, your Stewie design list will also be called "design_list_stanford.txt". (You can change this if you know how to hand-edit your CONFIG.TXT file.)
You'll need a valid setup.cshrc file for your site if you want to get very far with the GUI. The setup file should live in the gui distribution in subfolder "configs" e.g. if your gui is in directory $GUI, then the setup file is $GUI/configs/setup.cshrc. Its purpose is to set up paths etc. for Genesis2 to work correctly, that is if you have a design in some directory $my-genesis-design, then the following should work correctly (assuming your shell is a "csh" variant).
% cd $my-genesis-design % source $GUI/configs/setup.cshrc % make gen
A quick way to repair a missing/broken setup.cshrc at Stanford is the following:
% cd $GUI/configs; ln -s setup_stanford.cshrc setup.csrhc
You'll probably want to pre-populate the GUI with a list of interesting designs. At Stanford, you can do it like this:
% cp $CHIPGEN/gui/configs/design_list_stanford.txt /tmp/mystewie/configs
At non-Stanford sites you'll need to build your own design list, either using the GUI or a text editor. Because of my own laziness, your Stewie design list will also be called "design_list_stanford.txt" (even if your GUI is not a Stanford install). (You can change this default if you know how to hand-edit your CONFIG.TXT file.)
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