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Refresh an Existing Install

Steven Herbst edited this page Oct 7, 2020 · 1 revision

Sometimes you need to make a local install of the DragonPHY package up-to-date after it has been sitting for some time. Here's how to do that:

  1. If you’re on the master branch, use git pull to make sure you have the latest code.
  2. Re-install the dragonphy package with pip install -e . in the top-level directory. This will make sure you have the latest version of all Python package dependencies.
  3. Remove these files and folders from the build directory if present. (You could remove the whole build directory, but you might have some synthesis or PnR results in there that you want to keep.)
    1. build/all
    2. build/chip_src
    3. build/cpu_models
    4. build/tb
    5. build/timestamps.yml
  4. Build the view for CPU simulation: python --view cpu
  5. Run the tests that you’re interested in, e.g.
> pytest tests/cpu_system_tests -s
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