Sparkly Slime Paper is a fork of ASWM implementing the Parallel World Ticking patch by SparklyPower.
No releases are provided at the moment, but you can of course clone the project and build it.
For API and usage info check out the docs at
If you run into any Flow-NBT errors when building your project, add the additional repository:
The Javadocs can be found here.
Thanks to:
- All the contributors that actively maintain ASWM and added features to SWM.
- Paul19988 - ASWM Creator.
- ComputerNerd100 - Large Contributor & Maintainer.
- b0ykoe - Provider of build services & repositories.
- Owen1212055 - Large Contributor & Maintainer.
- Gerolmed - Contributor & Maintainer.
- Grinderwolf - The original creator.
- Glare - Providing the original Maven repository.
- Minikloon and all the Hypixel team for developing the SRF.
- SparklyPaper - Providing the parallel world ticking patch