Firmware for an off-grid water pumping system
Board: CubeCell HTCC-AB02A ASR605x (ARM Cortex M0+ & SX1262 LoRa)
Pump and sensor interface: CHRZ power-extender
Install Visual Studio Code and the PlatformIO extension.
Copy include/NetworkConfiguration.h.example
to include/NetworkConfiguration.h
and insert your The Things Network configuration.
Edit the platformio.ini
file and change the board_build.arduino.lorawan.region
to the correct frequency band for your country.
Attach a serial monitor and read the Device EUI after a reset. Then set the device EUI in the TTN console, use OTAA and MAC 1.0.2 .
Use the PlatformIO menu to compile and upload the code.
function decodeInt16(bytes, offset)
return (((bytes[offset + 1] & 0xFF) << 8) | (bytes[offset] & 0xFF));
function decodeFloat32(bytes, offset)
var d = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(4));
for(var i=0; i<4; i++) d.setUint8(i, bytes[offset + i]);
return d.getFloat32(0, true);
function decodeUplink(input)
return {
data: {
bytes: input.bytes,
id: input.bytes[0],
current: [
decodeFloat32(input.bytes, 1),
decodeFloat32(input.bytes, 5),
decodeFloat32(input.bytes, 9),
decodeFloat32(input.bytes, 13)
adc: [
decodeFloat32(input.bytes, 17),
decodeFloat32(input.bytes, 21),
decodeFloat32(input.bytes, 25),
decodeFloat32(input.bytes, 29)
warnings: [],
errors: []
function encodeDownlink(input) {
var rel = 0;
if([0] === true) rel |= 1;
if([1] === true) rel |= 2;
if([2] === true) rel |= 4;
if([3] === true) rel |= 8;
return {
bytes: [ rel ],
fPort: 1,
warnings: [],
errors: []
function decodeDownlink(input) {
return {
data: {
bytes: input.bytes,
relay: [
input.bytes[0] & 1,
input.bytes[0] & 2,
input.bytes[0] & 4,
input.bytes[0] & 8
warnings: [],
errors: []
"id": 1,
"current": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
"adc": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
"relay": [true, true, true, true]