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StartAutomating authored and StartAutomating committed Sep 15, 2024
1 parent f5b6f68 commit 5081bc5
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154 changes: 35 additions & 119 deletions docs/
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@@ -1,205 +1,121 @@

### Synopsis
Creates Picklists


### Description

Creates Picklists in Azure DevOps.


### Related Links
* [Get-ADOPicklist](

* [](


### Examples
#### EXAMPLE 1
Add-ADOPicklist -Organization MyOrg -PicklistName TShirtSize -Item S, M, L, XL


### Parameters
#### **Organization**

The Organization.

|Type |Required|Position|PipelineInput |Aliases|
|`[String]`|true |named |true (ByPropertyName)|Org |

> **Type**: ```[String]```
> **Required**: true
> **Position**: named
> **PipelineInput**:true (ByPropertyName)

#### **PicklistName**

The name of the picklist

|Type |Required|Position|PipelineInput|
|`[String]`|true |named |false |

> **Type**: ```[String]```
> **Required**: true
> **Position**: named
> **PipelineInput**:false

#### **DateType**

The data type of the picklist. By default, String.

Valid Values:

* Double
* Integer
* String

|Type |Required|Position|PipelineInput|
|`[String]`|false |named |false |

> **Type**: ```[String]```
> **Required**: false
> **Position**: named
> **PipelineInput**:false

#### **IsSuggested**

If set, will make the items in the picklist "suggested", and allow user input.

|Type |Required|Position|PipelineInput|
|`[Switch]`|false |named |false |

> **Type**: ```[Switch]```
> **Required**: false
> **Position**: named
> **PipelineInput**:false

#### **Item**

A list of items. By default, these are the initial contents of the picklist.
If a PicklistID is provided, or -PicklistName already exists, will add these items to the picklist.

|Type |Required|Position|PipelineInput |Aliases |
|`[String[]]`|true |named |true (ByPropertyName)|Value<br/>Items<br/>Values|

> **Type**: ```[String[]]```
> **Required**: true
> **Position**: named
> **PipelineInput**:true (ByPropertyName)

#### **PicklistID**

The PicklistID of an existing picklist.

|Type |Required|Position|PipelineInput |
|`[String]`|true |named |true (ByPropertyName)|

> **Type**: ```[String]```
> **Required**: true
> **Position**: named
> **PipelineInput**:true (ByPropertyName)

#### **Server**

The server. By default
To use against TFS, provide the tfs server URL (e.g. http://tfsserver:8080/tfs).

|Type |Required|Position|PipelineInput |
|`[Uri]`|false |named |true (ByPropertyName)|

> **Type**: ```[Uri]```
> **Required**: false
> **Position**: named
> **PipelineInput**:true (ByPropertyName)

#### **ApiVersion**

The api version. By default, 5.1-preview.
If targeting TFS, this will need to change to match your server version.

|Type |Required|Position|PipelineInput|
|`[String]`|false |named |false |

> **Type**: ```[String]```
> **Required**: false
> **Position**: named
> **PipelineInput**:false

#### **WhatIf**
-WhatIf is an automatic variable that is created when a command has ```[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)]```.
-WhatIf is used to see what would happen, or return operations without executing them
#### **Confirm**
-Confirm is an automatic variable that is created when a command has ```[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)]```.
-Confirm is used to -Confirm each operation.

If you pass ```-Confirm:$false``` you will not be prompted.

If the command sets a ```[ConfirmImpact("Medium")]``` which is lower than ```$confirmImpactPreference```, you will not be prompted unless -Confirm is passed.


### Outputs
* PSDevOps.Picklist.Detail


### Syntax
Add-ADOPicklist -Organization <String> -PicklistName <String> [-DateType <String>] [-IsSuggested] -Item <String[]> [-Server <Uri>] [-ApiVersion <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
Add-ADOPicklist -Organization <String> [-DateType <String>] [-IsSuggested] -Item <String[]> -PicklistID <String> [-Server <Uri>] [-ApiVersion <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]

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