Starter templates for building PWAs using Polymer Project.
- PWA Starter Kit gives you the following features:
- all the PWA goodness (manifest, service worker)
- a responsive layout
- application theming
- example of using Redux for state management
- offline UI
- simple routing solution
- fast time-to-interactive and first-paint through the PRPL pattern
- easy deployment to prpl-server or static hosting
- unit and integrating testing starting points
- documentation about other advanced patterns - sample apps
- PWA Starter Kit Plus gives you the following features:
- up-to-date fork of PWA Starter Kit
- EditorConfig for define consistent coding styles between different editors. Atom and VS Code need to install a plugin
- ESLint is linting utility for JavaScript
- Prettier is an opinionated code formatter for enforces a consistent style.
- PWA Firebase Saga Kit gives you the following features:
- fork of PWA Starter Kit
- firebase authentication using Google OAuth provider
- redux-saga usage for handling side effects.
- Polymer 3 Webpack Starter
- Create-lit-app
- Hoverboard - GDG DevFest website template.