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Easy to use Windows terminal made by Stax124

V01D-Terminal is Python based terminal application build on prompt-toolkit library.

Can be run as an individual or you can pass arguments


For windows users:

  • Via installer: Standard procedure if its your first time installing it, in case of updating, it should have it´s path already set up.
  • Via archive: Download .rar or .zip archive and it should have Void-Terminal.exe executable ready to use, no installing needed.

For Linux users:

  • Sorry, I cant provide package for you now. You will need to download .tar.gz manually, unzip it and install python dependencies by yourself. In future I will try to provide better way. If you have any problems running it, just make an issue on GitHub and I will try to respond asap. I would apprisate, if you have experience with linux packaging, feel free to contact me and we could work that out. For now, just use "python3".

Windows Terminal integration

If you have Windows Terminal installed, open the dropdown menu and select settings

  • Add this entry: { // Make changes here to the Void-Terminal profile. "guid": "{45d2d006-c667-4e6b-bead-96233a11d754}", "name": "Void-Terminal", "commandline": "PATH-TO-Void-Terminal.exe -v -s -d WHERE-TO-START-TERMINAL", "hidden": false },


  • Execute wide range of commands from cmd and powershell
  • Calculator
  • Aliases
  • Audio file conversion
  • Temperature conversion
  • Color name to HEX or RGB values
  • URL file download
  • Hashing (md5,sha)
  • Wifi password recovery
  • Quick access to administrative functions
  • Get component info (cpu, gpu ... )
  • Weather data
  • Stocks
  • Cryptocurrency
  • QRCode generator
  • GUID generator
  • Geolocation of IP
  • Public IP
  • Get last youtube video, tweet
  • Check if twitch streamer is online
  • Shortening URL
  • Temporary cloud storage
  • Covid19 stats
  • File conversion
  • Dns check


  • Show config: void config
  • Select mode: void mode [CMD,POWERSHELL]
  • Install optional files or programs: void install [name]
  • Toggle multithreading: void multithreading [true,false]
  • Toggle fuzzy completion: void fuzzycomplete [true,false]
  • Toggle wraping lines: void wrapLines [true,false]
  • Toggle mouse support: void mouseSupport [true,false]
  • Toggle completion while typing: void completeWhileTyping [true,false]
  • Show welcome screen: void welcome
  • Show license: void license {full}
  • Start new window: void start
  • Update all python packages: void updatePythonPackages
  • Set title: void title [string]


  • Basic math operations can be typed right into the terminal: 2+2-(6/9)
  • More complicated operations can be called as functions: sin(2)+ceil(max([1,2,3,4]))
  • Some basic constants are available out of the box: pi, tau, e...
  • Greatest common divisor: gcd float float
  • Lowest common multiplier: lcm float float
  • Random number generator: rng min max[not included]


  • Get all information about your rig: component
  • Get separate information about hardware: cpu, gpu, ram, disk, network, bootinfo, motherboard, pagefile

Function commands

  • Clear window content: clear, cls
  • Run shell as administrator: admin, elevate
  • Exit application: exit, quit
  • Get os name: os
  • Open current directory: open [directory]
  • Read file contents: read [file]
  • Shutdown machine: poweroff
  • Reboot machine: reboot
  • Go back one directory: back
  • Change brightness or get it´s value: brightness {value}
  • Evaluate string as python code (Requires Python): eval
  • Get size of folder: sizeof [folder]
  • Open Windows 10 God mode control panels: godmode
  • Grant access administrative privileges to all files in current directory: grantfiles


  • Make new alias, if alias is found in user's input, it will be replaced by value': alias [name] [value]
  • List all local aliases: alias -list
  • Remove alias: delalias [name]

Music player

  • Initialize mpv player and play file: play [file]

Curl commands

  • Get DNS information: dns
  • Get external ip: ip
  • Check last youtube video of channel: checklastvid [channel]
  • Check last twitter post: checklasttweet [user]
  • Check if streamer is online on Twitch: checktwitchonline [name]
  • Convert file like pdf into HTML: fileconverter [input file type] [output file type] [file] [new filename]
  • Monitor your server: {query}
  • Generate random GUID: guid
  • Shorten URL: shorten [URL]
  • Transfer file to temporary cloud storage: transfer [file]
  • Test your internet connection (Requires Python): speedtest
  • Check weather in location: weather {location or query}
  • Get statistics about Covid19: covid19 {location}
  • Get geolocation of IP address: geoip {IP}
  • Generate QRCode from string: qrcode [string]
  • Cheat sheet: cheat {query}
  • Get stock information of company: stonks {short company name(Intel > INTL)}
  • Cryptocurrency trading information: cryptocurrency {currency or query}


  • Available hashing algorithms: md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512
  • Hash string: [hash function] [string]
  • Hash file [hash function]sum [file]


  • Convert currency: currencyconverter [Base] [Target] [Value]
  • Temperature: convert [Base] [Target] [Value]
  • Color to HEX or RGB: convert color [rgb,hex,list] {color name}
  • Decimal - Hexadecimal: convert decimal hexadecimal [value]
  • Decimal - Octal: convert decimal octal [value]
  • Decimal - Binary: convert decimal binary [value]
  • Roman - Integer: convert roman int [string]
  • Audio (ffmpeg must be installed and on PATH): convert [audio format(mp3,m4a,wav)] [file to be formatted]

Windows 10

  • Open startup folder: startup
  • Open setting: settings
  • Change power scheme: power
  • Get localy saved Wifi password: password


  • Check if your password is in leaked databases: pwned [string]
  • Download file from internet: download [-list,URL,dictionary key]
  • Download YouTube video: ytdown [URL]
  • Search web: search [querry]
  • Open auto-py-to-exe Python compiler (must be installed and on PATH): compile
  • Convert file or string into list of strings: plain2string [line,file,fileline] {file}
  • Get ETA of downloading: downloadeta [target][suffix] [download speed][suffix]


Please do not use in military or secret service organizations, or for illegal purposes (this is non-binding, these *** ignore laws and ethics anyway)