Non-Mixer-XT is a reboot of original Non-Mixer with eXTended LV2 support, CLAP, VST(2) support and VST3* support. LV2 support includes X11, ShowInterface and External custom UI support. In addition, MIDI support with JACK timebase support and much more. The generic parameter editor has been redesigned to accommodate larger LV2 plugins, preset support and state save and restore. With version 1.1.0, CLAP support was added. With version 1.2.0, VST3 support was added. With version 1.3.0, VST(2) support was added using vestige.h by Javier Serrano Polo. Special thanks to Filipe Coelho from the Carla project, David Robillard from Jalv project, and Rui Nuno Capela from the Qtractor project.
Beginning with Release 2.0.0, the default build will use FLTK instead of NTK libraries.
Dependencies :
For fltk build:
- fltk
- fltk-dev
- fltk-static.
Please note that the FLTK build uses static linking. Some distributions have a separate package for the fltk static linking.
For example:
OpenSuse static package is named fltk-devel-static, and Fedora is named fltk-static.
Other distributions like Arch, Debian and Ubuntu will install the static library with the development package.
For NTK build:
- ntk
Other Dependencies:
- lilv (Optional LV2 support)
- suil (Optional LV2 support)
- liblo
- liblo-dev
- lv2 (Optional LV2 support)
- lv2-dev (Optional LV2 support)
- ladspa (Optional LADSPA support)
- liblrdf (Optional LADSPA support)
- jack2 (Need development packages also)
- zix-0 (Optional LV2 support)
- clap (Optional CLAP support)
- pangocairo (optional needed by some plugins)
- xfixes (Need development packages also)
- xinerama (Need development packages also)
- xcursor (Need development packages also)
- jpeg (Need development packages also)
git submodule update --init
If your distribution does not have ZIX available, you can get it at:
git clone
Your distribution may have NTK available. If not, you can get an "unofficial" updated NTK at:
git clone
If your distribution does not have CLAP available, you can get it at:
git clone
For cmake build:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
To uninstall:
sudo make uninstall
To build with NTK:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DEnableNTK=ON ..
sudo make install
For package maintainers, if you are building generic binary packages to be used on different architectures, then NativeOptimizations must be disabled:
cmake -DNativeOptimizations=OFF ..
To disable VST2 support:
cmake -DEnableVST2Support=OFF ..
To disable VST3 support:
cmake -DEnableVST3Support=OFF ..
To disable CLAP support:
cmake -DEnableCLAPSupport=OFF ..
To disable LV2 support:
cmake -DEnableLV2Support=OFF ..
To disable LADSPA support:
cmake -DEnableLADSPASupport=OFF ..
*VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH, registered in Europe and other countries.
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