cson.h is a single header stb-style json parsing library written in c
This library as of now is not fully JSON compliant on the following points.
- No handling of special charachters in strings like \n, \r, etc.
- Exponents for numbers are currently not supported.
Test are implemented using utest.h by sheredom.
Simply run make
to run the tests.
Below is a basic example of how to get a value from a json object using a key string.
Please note that all string arguments must be zero terminated.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "cson.h"
int main(void){
CSON* cson;
CSON_Result res = CSON_parse(&cson,"{\"key\":\"value\"}");
if(res == CSON_ERROR){
// handle parser error
const char* value = CSON_get_string(CSON_get_by_key(cson,"key"));
return 0;
The following functions can be used to access elements from objects and arrays.
CSON* CSON_get_by_key(CSON* cson, const char* key); // access elements from objects
CSON* CSON_get_by_index(CSON* cson, size_t index); // access elements from arrays
As there is no way to check the json types at compile time, you can use the following functions to check the types at runtime.
bool CSON_is_null(CSON *cson);
bool CSON_is_bool(CSON *cson);
bool CSON_is_string(CSON *cson);
bool CSON_is_number(CSON *cson);
bool CSON_is_array(CSON *cson);
bool CSON_is_object(CSON *cson);
bool CSON_is_container(CSON *cson); // returns true for both arrays and objects
The following functions can be used to retrieve the actual value from the CSON element.
bool CSON_get_bool(CSON *cson);
const char *CSON_get_string(CSON *cson);
double CSON_get_double(CSON *cson); // returns number as double
- make CSON JSON compliant
- add ways to get more information about parsing errors
- implement api for creating and editing the JSON DOM
- implement encoding functionality