- toolkit for Pascal DOS apps (16bit real or protected mode, 386+)
- covers both low layers (memory, keyboard, mouse, graphics/text, scrolling..)
- and a bit higher ones (loaders/players, fileselector and other dialogs...)
- it does not touch audio (use http://github.com/StepanHrbek/RAIN for audio)
- for examples, see pr_*.pas
- for build instructions, see BUILD.md
- for an example of CiA based app, see http://github.com/StepanHrbek/Machina
Baby | graphics for babies (can't be easier) |
Cache | cache for objects |
CS | codepage conversion |
Chyby | error management |
DPMI | DPMI services |
Fajly | disks, files, PCK |
Flc* | decoder/player FLI/FLC |
FnExpand | font editor support |
Fonty | bitmap fonts (format FN) |
INI | config files (format INI) |
Key | keyboard handler |
Lang1 | 1 language built in |
Lang2 | 2 languages built in |
LangFile | any number of languages in files |
Ld* | loaders of GIF/PCX/X/TGA/TXT |
Loadery | loading images (easily extensible) |
Memo | memory management (universal for real+protected, blocks over 64KB) |
Mys | mouse management |
Num | numeric conversions |
Scrol | scrolling engine from Deus ex Machina, any mode/any bitmap size |
Streamy | stream helpers |
Stringy | string management |
Sys | system helpers (partial crt replacement, accurate time) |
Texty | long text management |
Timer | ray synchronization |
Tools | various helpers |
VGA | vga, vesa, bitmaps (universal for all modes, avoids VGA/VESA bugs) |
More detailed desriptions are inside units.
bit2scr.inc | double include for vga.pas |
define.inc | global $define for all units |
fn.pas | separated font converter fn.exe |
gui1.inc | interface GUI |
gui2.inc | implementation GUI |
initdone.inc | standard init/done include for all units |
lang.cz | text file with Czech localization |
lang.eng | text file with English localization |
lang-.inc | identifiers of localized texts |
lang1.inc | array of localized texts |
lang1inc.* | generates lang1.inc |
modern.fn | some proportional font |
moder_np.fn | some non-proportional font |
pr*.* | examples |
sbit2scr.inc | double include for scrol.pas |
sele.inc | dialogs fileselector and pathbrowser |
dpmi.,timer. | subset of Midas necessary when full Midas is not used |
midasfix*.* | bugfixes to apply when full Midas is used |
timer lang1/2 / / chyby-----key-----sys--fajly------------------- \ (/) / \ \ \ dpmi--memo==stringy--mys--VGA---loadery--ldtga \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ cache-----fonty-------ldtxt >-langfile,ini \ \ \ / / streamy \ cs,num dialogy / / \ / / / texty----------------------------- --- right one needs the left one (/) only in protected timer+ini+fonty--scrol--tools === both directions
- Comments are not yet compiled into *.TPH help, so you can find main unit comment at the beginning of unit, variables are commented around their declaration, functions are commented around their implementation.
- If there is code after the last "end", it could be candidates for inclusion into CiA, but it needs more testing.
- Units after "uses" go in following order: Chyby, Memo, standard Borland units, other units.
- Member procedures are 'Procedure', non-object ones are usually 'PROCEDURE'.
- English is used for all new developments, amount of Czech can only decrease.
- When procedure says 'Does not change registers', it's not 100%. AX changes if you enable stack checking and procedure uses stack (stack is used for parameters, local variables and for member procedures).
- Comment {* marks place with unfinished work.
- When speed is important, code is optimized for speed, otherwise for simplicity.
- All Czech characters (in messages, fonts) use "Kamenickych" encoding https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamenick%C3%BD_encoding
Each unit can read its own parameters from commandline. Those considered 'own' are processed and marked in paramUsed array, so other units can ignore them.
Memo | file.swp [megabytes] | create swapfile of this size (default is 16) |
Chyby | :lang | select language (default is eng) |
VGA | +bits | use only models with this # of bits per pixel |
VGA | bits | use only -"- |
VGA | -bits | don't use -"- (where "4 bits" is textmode) |
VGA | AxisRelLimit | let only resolutions which pass this test |
Axis is X or Y
Rel is one of
lt (Less Than)
eq (EQual to)
gt (Greater Than)
le (Less or Equal to)
ne (Not Equal to)
ge (Greater or Equal to)
Limit is number of pixels (chars in textmode)
Note that < and > symbols have special meaning (redirection) in DOS.
If you want to use them in parameter, enclose whole parameter into ""
(it works under MS-DOS 7.00, not yet tested elsewhere).
Examples: xlt800 "y<600"