Install Python 3.9:
https://realpython.com/intro-to-pyenv/ pyenv local 3.9.18 pyenv global 3.9.18
Create an Python environment:
pyenv virtualenv 3.9.18 ENV
Go into this environment:
pyenv local ENV
Install some other things:
pip install --upgrade pip pip install --upgrade setuptools
Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt pip install python-dotenv
Start port forwarding for postgresql:
ssh [email protected] -L 5431:
Start port forwarding for timescaledb:
ssh -L 5434: [email protected]
export password=X
export ip=localhost
source .env
source ENV/bin/activate
Use a tool like Postman.
Example call:
curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:5000/stats_v2/availability_stats?start_time=2019-04-04T00:01:00Z&end_time=2019-04-16T00:01:00Z&aggregation_level=15m&zone_ids=51748&group_by=modality' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ey..eI'
- wget https://gitlab.com/bikedashboard/importer/-/raw/master/import_model.sql > ~/Downloads/hithere.sql
- psql deelfietsdashboard -f ~/Downloads/hithere.sql
Build api with:
docker build -t registry.gitlab.com/bikedashboard/dashboard-api:<version_number> .
(see kubernetes deployment or https://gitlab.com/bikedashboard/dashboard-api/container_registry/387535 for the previous version).docker push registry.gitlab.com/bikedashboard/dashboard-api:<version_number>
(make sure you are logged in to gitlab registry)- edit deployement with
kubectl edit deployment dashboard-api
replace version_number with the new version number.
For the zone stats we use TimescaleDB.
For this, add timescale to your postgres instance.
Documentation over here: https://docs.timescale.com/install/latest/self-hosted/
Related query:
psql -h localhost -U deelfietsdashboard -d deelfietsdashboard -f ~/tmp/FILE.sql
ssh -L 5434: [email protected]
ssh -L 5431: [email protected]