Release 3
Release 3
- Trajectories module
- added 'traditional health color' to TargetHUD
- added arrows and a scuffed distance to indicators
- added inventory wrappers to scripting api
- added armor settings to Nametags
- added 'show distance' & 'show hits to kill' to Nametags
- added 'ignore slow' to BedAura
- added 'disable in creative' to FastMine
- added module info to Hitbox and FastMine
- new rotation modes and fast mode for Scaffold
- added 'disable while scaffold' to AntiFireball
- 'Render block outline' will use HUD theme if BedESP is not enabled
- BedESP will render the bed at the same height as a normal bed
- changed 'disable in water' to 'disable in liquid' in BHop
- changed how modules visibility is handled by the profiles manager (all hidden modules will become unhidden upon first load)
- further improved raven b4 script compatibility
- made health playeresp thinner
- improved Scaffold block placements
- fixed xray
- improved InvManager, will now clean worse tools, worse rods, worse bows, and bad potions, now sorts speed potions properly,