This directory the code and the datasets used in the paper Randomized rounding algorithms for large scale unsplittable flow problems. It contains all the presented algorithm, functions to create the instances and already created datasets. The code in this directory is Python3 code. A Gurobi license is mandatory to use most of the solvers. The instances are stored using the Python module Pickle. Contains functions to generate a custom dataset of instances Contains functions to create graphs, commodity lists and thus create instances Contains functions to launch algorithms on a dataset with the multiprocessing python library Contains the MILP solver presented in the paper together with the function randomized_rounding_heuristic. This function depending on the used parameters emulates all the randomized rounding algorithms presented in the paper : RR, SRR, CSRR, ... Contains the LP solvers used to compute the linear relaxation of the unsplittable flow problem in the randomized rounding algorithms Enables to create custom instances and launch algorithms on them Contains the simulated annealing presented in the paper Contains our implementation of the ant colony optimizer of Li et al (2010) (see our paper for the reference) Contains our implementation of the variable neighborhood search of Masri et al (2015) (see our paper for the reference) Contains an implementation of the k-shortest path algorithm of Jimenez et al Contains the code used to generate most of the figure presented in the paper