YCanvas is an open source ActionScript 3 library that provides stage3D (GPU) engine for perfectly overlapping grid based zooming projects like world maps or onBoard or simply a tile maps renderer.
Repository content:
- ApplicationDemo - sources for simpliest YCanvas implementation demonstrating implementation over Open Street Map available live on http://ycanvas.yoz.sk/demo
- ApplicationExplrorer - sources for YCanvas explorer available on http://ycanvas.yoz.sk/explorer
- ApplicationMap - YCanvas maps implementation with Feathers UI available on http://ycanvas.yoz.sk/maps/ (available tiles: ArcGIS Imagery, ArcGIS National Geographic, MapQuest, OpenStreetMap, MapBox, CloudMade, Bing Maps Imagery)
- ApplicationMapMobile - sources for YCanvasMap implementation for mobile application
- ApplicationMarkers - sources for YCanvas explorer available on http://ycanvas.yoz.sk/markers
- ApplicationRemotair - sources for YCanvas with Remotair available on http://ycanvas.yoz.sk/remotair/ . This app lets you remote controll YCanvas application with Remotair. Uses multitouch (two-finger) gestures to move, scale, rotate
- YCanvasLibrary - sources for YCanvas library
- YCanvasMapLibrary - sources for YCanvas map library
- onBoard
- Wall Of Fame
- WebCanvas
- MapQuest
- ArcGIS
- Open Street Map
- Flickr - gallery experiment
If you like YCanvas, feel free to donate via PayPal.