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Fashion Find Store

An E-Commerce Application • Customer UI

Welcome to the Fashion Find's Customer UI! This repository contains the front end of an online clothing store designed to provide users with a seamless shopping experience.


🔗 Other Links

📋 Table of Contents

📖 About the Project

This project is a part of a full-stack e-commerce application built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js). This Customer UI serves as the front-end where users can:

  • Browse products, collections, categories
  • Add items to the cart.
  • Place orders.
  • Online payments
  • Customer login/signup
  • Wishlist, order history

✨ Key Features

  • Responsive Design: Optimized for all devices.
  • User Authentication: Signup/login functionality.
  • Product Search and Filter with Pagination: Easily find desired products.
  • Shopping Cart: Add, remove, and view items.
  • Payment Gateway Integration: Secure checkout process.
  • Order Tracking: View and manage orders.

🛠 Tech Stack

Frontend Backend Database
React.js, Redux-toolkit Node.js & Express.js MongoDB Atlas
React-hook-form, React router dom Hosted on Render
Tailwind CSS, Lucid icons,
Vercel Deployment

Folder Structure

Updated soon

🚀 Installation



  1. Clone the project
   git clone
  1. Go to the project directory
   cd ecommerce-customer-ui
  1. Install dependencies
  npm install
  1. Set up environment variables: Create a .env file in the root directory and add the following
  1. Start the server
  npm run start

💻 Usage

💻 Development

  • Run npm run dev to start the app in development mode.
  • Ensure the backend API is running for full functionality.

🚀 Production

1. Vercel

  1. As it is a React project, please add vercel.json file and paste below code:
       "rewrites": [
             "source": "/(.*)",
             "destination": "/"
  2. Push Your Code to GitHub. Ensure your project is committed and pushed to a GitHub repository.
  3. Set Up Your Project on Vercel:
    • Log in to Vercel.
    • Click New Project and import your GitHub repository.
    • Select the root folder of your project.
    • Configure the following settings:
      • Framework Preset: Automatically detects React.
      • Build Command: Defaults to npm run build.
      • Output Directory: Defaults to build.
    • Add Environment Variables: In the Vercel dashboard, navigate to Settings > Environment Variables and add your variables, such as:
      • VITE_API_URL
    • Deploy: Vercel will automatically build and deploy your application once configured.
    • Access Your Live Site: Your deployed site will be available at

2. Netlify

  1. Build the app for deployment using npm run build command and Deploy the built files to a hosting platform like Netlify.
  2. or Login to Netlify do the same as Vercel deployment. Setup Github repository, select the root folder and import it.