University of Ulm
- Ulm
- https://www.uni-ulm.de/in/sp/team/chico-sundermann/
- @ChicoSundermann
Nemo2 is a tool to Model and Transform by Bit-Blasting Numerical Feature Models into different Propositional Formulas and Universal Variability Language (UVL) Models
Agda Library to Study the Expressive Power of Languages for Static Variability
Mt-KaHyPar (Multi-Threaded Karlsruhe Hypergraph Partitioner) is a shared-memory multilevel graph and hypergraph partitioner equipped with parallel implementations of techniques used in the best seq…
Language server protocol for the Universal Variability Language (UVL)
An exhaustive list of all Rust resources regarding automated or semi-automated formalization efforts in any area, constructive mathematics, formal algorithms, and program verification.
Preprints of research published by the SoftVarE group enriched with PDF comments on findings after publication.
Grammars written for ANTLR v4; expectation that the grammars are free of actions.