⚠️ » WALL-E is still under development, feel free to contribute to this repo and leave a ⭐
- Translate text;
- Talk to Gemini AI;
- Search on Google;
- Speak in 5 languages;
- Set reminders for yourself;
- Reveal view once messages;
- Change its prefix just for you;
- Remove background from stickers;
- Rank members by sent msgs count;
- Create stickers with photos and gifs;
- Mass delete group msgs for all members;
- Mention all users in a group in a single msg;
- Run code in multiple programming languages;
- Download videos and audios from many websites;
and more.
- NodeJS 💩 (For WALL-E)
🪧 » Recommended version: 22 or higher
- PostgreSQL 🐘 (For database)
🪧 » Recommended version: 16 or higher Some cmds may require a database to work (e.g. rank/remind) or to set language/prefix permanently. but WALL-E works ok with no db.
- FFMPEG (For gif stickers)
🪧 » Run
sudo apt install ffmpeg
to install it on Debian/Ubuntu
- Python 🐍 (For removing backgrounds)
🪧 » Recommended version: 3.12 or higher
WALL-E also support these languages, but you DON'T need to install it if you won't use:
🪧 » Recommended version: 1.1.41 or higher
🪧 » Recommended version: 2.1.4 or higher
🪧 » Recommended version: 2.1 or higher
- G++ 🔥
🪧 » Recommended version: 11.4 or higher
# Click on "Code" > "Download ZIP" > Extract
# or
# Clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/Sunf3r/WALL-E # You need to have git installed to run this cmd
You can configure the bot however you want in the following files:
"bot": {
"link": "dsc.gg/wallebot", // support channel link
"region": {
"timezone": "America/Sao_Paulo",
"logLanguage": "pt"
"sticker": {
"packName": ["pack", "name"], // sticker pack name
"author": ["wall-e", "sticker maker"] // sticker author name
"db": {
"user": {
"prefix": ".", // default prefix to new users
"language": "pt", // default language to new users
"cacheLimit": 500, // max users in memory
"msgsLimit": 200 // max msgs in memory (per user)
"group": {
"msgsLimit": 200 // max msgs in memory (per group)
💡 » Set sensitive keys and rename "
" to ".env
". if you have a database, remove the # before DATABASE_URL and fill the URL.
💡 » Open the folder in terminal
# This script will do everything to prepare the bot for
# **the first time**, *but you need to do steps 1~3 first*
npm run setup
# It will: install tsc/pm2/prisma as global modules,
# install node modules,
# generate prisma schema, build source,
# create python virtual environment,
# install python dependencies,
# and >start walle< with pm2
# if you have a database, run this one after setup. it will also push db schema
npm run setup:full
# To stop WALL-E:
npm run stop
# To start it again:
npm start
# yea, you don't need "run" for start.
# Just "npm start" instead of "npm run start"
⚠️ » All logs and QR codes will appear onsettings/logs/output.txt
- Updating:
# Stopping services
npm run stop
# You can update everything just running:
npm run update
# It will: pull commits from repository,
# update node modules, update deno and bun,
# update python dependencies, generate prisma schema,
# and rebuild source.
# update won't start services.
# Starting services
npm start
⚠️ » None of these scripts will updatePython
. You still need to do it by yourself
- I recommend you to reset and log out WhatsApp Web sometimes to fix decrypt bugs
# Stopping services
npm run stop
# Cleaning auth, cache, temp and logs
npm run reset
# Starting all services
npm start
# Scan QR Code
Experiencing bugs? Open a issue with your problem or make a pull request with the solution. I will try to fix it as soon as possible.
This bot was made to run on Linux, but you can run it on Windows just changing script or using WSL.
If you need help, feel free to ask me on Discord.