Using docker:
docker run --rm -v ~/.kube:/home/k8s-info/.kube -p 8000:8000 supertux88/k8s-info
The mounted volume must contain a config
file and paths to certs and keys need to be relative.
You can run this project locally with a minikube cluster.
Install minikube and start a cluster with:
minikube start
Create a python virtual environment and install the dependencies:
virtualenv --python=python3 .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install nodejs dependencies:
npm install
Now you can build (and auto-update) the javascript bundles with:
npm run-script watch
and run the python dev-server in another terminal (with activated virtual env) with:
source .venv/bin/activate
FLASK_ENV=development python app/