This API allows to receive last Bitcoin to USD price on White Bit platform. Also, it allows to get it on an email by subscribing preferred email and then send rate onto all subscribed emails, or send rates onto specified emails immidiately.
Since API doesn't have authentication, subscription functionality was disabled in prod version.
Swagger UI documentation is accesible by endpoint /swagger-ui/index.html#/
Pull image
docker pull sulimaivan/currency-app:latest_prod
or for the full version image
docker pull sulimaivan/currency-app:latest
./mvnw clean install -DskipTests
cp target/task-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar src/main/docker/application.jar
docker build src/main/docker/ -t sulimaivan/currency-app
Start the container
docker run -e EMAIL_SENDER_LOGIN='[email protected]' -e EMAIL_SENDER_PASSWORD='yourpassword' -p 80:8080 sulimaivan/currency-app