Welcome to the Zomato Clone project! 🥳
The Zomato project is an attractive and eye-catching front-end landing page inspired by the popular food delivery and restaurant discovery platform, Zomato. Our goal is to replicate Zomato's user-friendly design, utilizing stunning animations and ensuring a responsive, captivating user interface.
To create this delicious project, we used the following tech stack:
- HTML 📄
- CSS 🎨
- JavaScript 🚀
- Bootstrap 5 🥂
- SCSS 💅
- GitHub Repository: Zomato Clone Repository 📁
- Live Demo: Zomato Clone Live Demo 🚀
We welcome contributions from the community to make our Zomato Clone even more amazing. Feel free to fork our repository and open a pull request with your improvements or bug fixes.
📧 Get in Touch For inquiries, collaboration, or just to say hello, reach out to us at 📩 [email protected].
🌟 Portfolio Discover more of our fantastic projects at SwamiTheDev Portfolio. Your journey into the world of technology starts here!
Whether you're a foodie, a design enthusiast, or a coding wizard, come join us in creating a delectable user experience. Let's work together to make this project even better!
Thanks for checking out this project! 👏
- #ZomatoClone
- #FrontEnd
- #WebDesign
- #FoodTech
- #WebDevelopment
- #Bootstrap5
- #Zomato
- #FoodLovers
- #ResponsiveDesign
- #OpenSource
- #swamithedev
- #swaminathanselvam
Thank you for being a part of the Zomato Clone journey! 🍽️🎉🌟