libDrive is a Google Drive media library manager and indexer, similar to Plex, that organizes Google Drive media to offer an intuitive and user-friendly experience.
I decided to create this project to, of course, organize my Google Drive library, but also develop my coding skills, and learn JavaScript in the process.
This repository ( only acts as a hub for information and community discussions regarding libDrive, no source code is displayed on this repository.
- 🍿 Movie, TV Show and Anime media management
- 📜 Automatic information gathering and display of:
- Title
- Trailer
- Release date
- Poster image
- Synopsis
- Rating
- Language
- Genres
- 👥 User management which includes:
- Public sign up
- Closed signup (manual account creation)
- No authentication (public)
- Whitelisting
- Blacklisting
- 🔀 Quality selection using Google Drive transcoded videos
- 🔎 Search functionality
- 🤹 Genre filters
- 🧾 Service accounts to bypass 750GB/day download limit
- 🌟 Starred lists, which are like favorite lists that allow you to add any media and put them into a list
- 🕑 A pseudo watch history, which is used to automatically go to the last episode you were watching in TV Shows
- ©️ Softcoded subtitles support, this includes user uploaded subtitles and subtitles stored on Google Drive
- 🈂️ Language switching support
- ⚙️ Admin panel interface
- 📺 Serverless video CDN host support (such as Cloudflare)
- ⌛ Automated metadata building with custom interval
- 📱 Progressive web app (PWA) installation support
- 💸 Embedded support
- 🎨 4 custom themes
- 🤳 Mobile friendly interface
- Allow multiple folders for one category
- wiki/Build
- wiki/Config
- wiki/Contributors
- wiki/Demo
- wiki/FAQ
- wiki/Screenshots
- wiki/Setup
- wiki/Structure
Help support me and libDrive by funding this project through one of the following mediums
If you don't have any money to spare you can still support me by settings the arcio
config variable to dev
You can access a demo of libDrive at
You can also access a static build of libDrive at but you would need an active server to login (this is not a demo)