An Android application with Dagger2 Android implementation using MVVM pattern along with AAC.
- This project is built using
Android Studio 3.3 Beta 2
- Minimum SDK version used in
target SDK version is28
- Project is based on Single Activity
- It is using Navigation Components, so no manual dealing with back stack.
- Each fragment have it's own view model injected by dagger from the view model factory
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- Every thing related to Dagger2 is in the di pacakge
- Every thing related to UI is in ui pacakge
- Every screen have it's own pacakge and it contains the following:
- Fragment Class
- ViewModel Class
You want to add classes required within whole app level scope
Find AppModule.kt
by pressing shift
2 times in the IDE
Classes related to the Main Activity
Find MainModule.kt
it's in the ui > main pacakge
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- MIT license
- Copyright 2018 © Syed Asim Ali.