A warp point system for BDSX! Also includes trans-dimension teleport function and Playerlist Map API.
- More UI elements
- Commands have changed and increased
- Command permissions implemented
- shows your warp points with a clickable form-based list- For non-clickable text-based list change variable in perms.json
/warpset <"warp name">
- set a warp point (use "" for names with spaces)/warpadd <playerName> <"warp name"> <x> <y> <z> <dimensionId>
- Add a warp point for any player at any position/warpdel <"warp name">
- delete a warp point/warpedit <"warp name"> ["new warp name"] [newListPos]
- Edit a warp point's name or position in list (position starts at 1)/warpto <"warp name">
- teleport to a warp point in your list/sethome
- set a warp point called '§5HOME'/home
- teleport to '§5HOME'
/tdtp target x y z dimID
- trans-dimension teleport.dimID
- 0 = Overworld
- 1 = Nether
- 2 = The End
The command permissions can be changed in {__dirname}/perms.json
. The defaults are:
"formGUI": true,
"warpList": 0,
"warpSet": 1,
"setHome": 0,
"warpTo": 0,
"home": 0,
"warpEdit": 1,
"tdtp": 1,
"warpAdd": 1
- Set
to false for text only mode - Command Permission Values:
- 0 - Normal (anybody)
- 1 - Operator
- 2 - Host
- 3 - Automation (?)
- 4 - Admin
function tdTeleport(actor: Actor, x: RelPos, y: RelPos, z: RelPos, dimensionId?: number)
- Name <--> NetworkID
- Name <--> XUID
- Name --> Entity
import {connectionList} from "@bdsx/warp-list/playerlist"
let name = connectionList.nXNet.get(NetworkID)
let entity = connectionList.n2Ent.get(name)