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832 lines (726 loc) · 99.8 KB


v1.0.0-BETA.5 (2024-06-11)

  • #1339 [Maintenance] Replace sm_can with sylius_sm_can function (@Wojdylak)
  • #1338 [MultiSourceInventory] Disable PaymentPreCompleteListener from Sylius CE (@GSadee)

v1.0.0-BETA.4 (2024-04-26)

v1.0.0-BETA.3 (2023-07-28)

v1.0.0-BETA.2 (2023-03-30)

v1.0.0-BETA.1 (2023-02-23)

  • #1247 [Composer] minimum-stability - dev to stable changed (@Rafikooo)
  • #1246 [CustomerPools] CustomerGuestTypeExtension adjusted after Sylius 1.11 update (@Rafikooo)
  • #1251 Secure division by zero inside ChannelsBasedItemsTotalToPointsRatioCalculator (@NoResponseMate)
  • #1249 [Maintenance] Prevent trying to refund an order with free items in fixtures (@NoResponseMate)
  • #1253 Improve Loyalty validation (@NoResponseMate)
  • #1252 [Maintenance] PHP attributes in the entity classes (@Rafikooo)
  • #1244 Fix ReturnRequestFixture to contain only adjustments from the core bundle and return itself (@Rafikooo)
  • #1250 Remove unused templates (@TheMilek)
  • #1245 [Loyalty] LoyaltyRule fixture with channels (@Rafikooo)
  • #1255 [Maintenance][Loyalty] Fix uninitialized array property in channel based configurations (@NoResponseMate)
  • #1256 [Admin][Returns] Resolution on indexes (@NoResponseMate)
  • #1257 Fix product listing for channel admins not to show products without an assigned channel in each taxon (@GSadee)
  • #1254 [Maintenance] Fix random return behat fails (@NoResponseMate)
  • #1258 Bump supported doctrine/dbal version and replace deprecated methods (@GSadee)
  • #1259 Add support for doctrine/dbal 3 (@GSadee)
  • #1260 [GitHub Actions] Fix branch name + change the file extensions (@GSadee)
  • #1262 [ECS] Annotation spacing (@Rafikooo)
  • #1263 [MultiSourceInventory] Remove hardcoded data_class attribute from form type (@GSadee)
  • #1264 [CI][Maintenance] Update information center branches (@NoResponseMate)
  • #1266 [Composer] Add php-http/discovery to allow-plugins to fix build (@GSadee)
  • #1265 [Maintenance] Update ECS config (@GSadee)
  • #1267 [DX] Load admin grid config only if SyliusAdminBundle is used (@coldic3)
  • #1269 [Maintenance] Adjust Messenger env variables (@GSadee)
  • #1268 [RBAC][Grid] Import table macro in template depending on SyliusAdminBundle (@coldic3)
  • #1271 Add info about the AclHelper constructor change in the UPGRADE file (@coldic3)
  • #1270 [Composer] Adjust branch alias (@GSadee)
  • #953 [Minor] Migrate traits to have typed properties (@lchrusciel, @GSadee)

v1.0.0-ALPHA.9 (2022-11-21)

  • #1175 [Maintenance] Fix potential undefined array key with assertion (@coldic3)
  • #1174 [Adjustment] Prevent removing shipment adjustments on splitting (@coldic3)
  • #1178 [Fixtures] Add making refunds in ReturnRequestFixture (@coldic3)
  • #1193 [Loyalty][API] Validate LoyaltyPurchase availability (@NoResponseMate)
  • #1183 Validate items from another order while returning (@AdamKasp)
  • #1197 [Fixtures] Fix OrderExampleFactory to use proper attribute to get customer (@GSadee)
  • #1196 [API][Loyalty] Change media type to supported one (@TheMilek)
  • #1214 [Maintenance] Fix Psalm, APIP 2.7 support and RBAC permission checker (@coldic3)
  • #1223 [Loyalty][API] Restrict LoyaltyRuleDenormalizer to support APIP>=2.7 only (@coldic3)
  • #1219 [Maintenance] Drop support for Symfony 4.4 (@coldic3)
  • #1210 [Product] Display pricing block for a configurable product (@Rafikooo)
  • #1226 [LoyaltyPurchase] Duplicated label removed (@Rafikooo)
  • #1232 Fix coding standard (@jakubtobiasz)
  • #1201 [Maintenance] Add support for Sylius 1.12 (@coldic3)
  • #1231 Validate max amount of points in Loyalty Purchase (@jakubtobiasz)
  • #1220 [Maintenance] Symfony 6 support (@coldic3)
  • #1228 [Templates] Adjust to the new Sylius shop UI styles (@coldic3)
  • #1237 [Behat] Remove redundant RefundContext with the latest Refund Plugin (@GSadee, @coldic3)
  • #1234 [Inventory] Fix releasing to inventory when canceling partially shipped order (@coldic3)
  • #1235 Add credit memos to gitignore in test application (@GSadee)
  • #1230 [InventorySource] Add priority field and update resolving (@NoResponseMate)
  • #1239 [Maintenance] Fix public/index.php in test app with SF Runtime (@coldic3)
  • #1240 [Maintenance] Remove wkhtmltopdf binary (@coldic3)

v1.0.0-ALPHA.8 (2022-07-28)

  • #1047 [Doctrine] remove string functions from config (@SirDomin)
  • #1053 [maintenance]Upgrade actions/checkout to v3 version (@Ferror)
  • #1061 [docker]Specify database charset in docker compose (@Ferror)
  • #1049 refactor #1049 [modularization]Split AdminUserTypeExtension between ChannelAdmin and Rbac Context (@Ferror)
  • #1057 [modularization]Move CustomerGuestTypeExtension to CustomerPool BC (@Ferror)
  • #1059 [modularization]Move CustomerRegistrationTypeExtension and CustomerTypeExtension to CustomerPool BC (@Ferror)
  • #1060 [modularization]Move ProductVariantTypeExtension to Inventory BC (@Ferror)
  • #1058 [Modularization] Reviews moved to CustomerPools context (@TheMilek)
  • #1065 [Maintenance] Explicitly declare buses at which listeners are registered (@lchrusciel)
  • #1066 UPGRADE file fix (@TheMilek)
  • #1063 [Returns] Move CreditMemoWithReturnRequestEventListener to integration layer (@coldic3)
  • #1054 [Returns] Decouple ReturnInventoryOperator from Inventory BC (@coldic3)
  • #1069 [Returns] Credit memo decoupled from ReturnRequest entity (@TheMilek)
  • #1073 [Maintenance] upgrade file updated (@TheMilek)
  • #1067 [BusinessUnits] Move InvoiceShopBillingDataFactory to integration layer (@GSadee)
  • #1068 Use twig filter function instead of for and if (@Ferror)
  • #1018 [Return requests] Splitting return requests (@ernestWarwas)
  • #1072 [Modularity] Split ReplacementOrderCreator for Returns context and integration layer (@Rafikooo)
  • #1075 [PHPArkitect] Remove ReturnRequest from excluded classes (@GSadee)
  • #1071 [Maintenance] Drop support for Sylius 1.10 (@GSadee)
  • #1077 [Returns] Credit Memo decoupled from Return Request entity corrected to be part of integration layer (@TheMilek)
  • #1078 [Maintenance] Upgrade file updated after changes (@TheMilek)
  • #1084 [API][UI][Maintenance] Split return request enchancement (@ernestWarwas)
  • #1076 [Modularity] [ChannelAdmin] Split channel Checker between namespaces (@AdamKasp)
  • #1087 [Modularity] Update upgrade file after channel admin refactor (@AdamKasp)
  • #1037 [Loyalty][Admin] autocomplete field added to configuration (@TheMilek, @SirDomin, @coldic3)
  • #1093 [Loyalty] Fix PointsPerProductRatioConfiguration validation (@coldic3)
  • #1095 [UI][Enchancement] Fixes for splitting return request. (@ernestWarwas)
  • #1099 [Returns] Fix media type in return request splitting resource definition (@ernestWarwas)
  • #1064 [modularization]Create TypeTest for CustomerGuestTypeExtension (@Ferror)
  • #1104 [DX] General refactor using ECS (@coldic3)
  • #1106 [Modularity] Delete FindEnabledProductsByChannelQueryInterface (@coldic3)
  • #1114 [Template][Events] Refactor UI bundle templates to use SyliusTemplateEvents (@ernestWarwas)
  • #1050 [docker][maintenance]Install and configure xdebug (@Ferror)
  • #1116 remove entire GMV report (@AdamKasp)
  • #1117 add note to upgrade file (@AdamKasp)
  • #1120 [GMV] Removing unnecessary entries and improvement of upgrade file (@Rafikooo)
  • #1113 Csrf token added to retrun Request controllers (@TheMilek, @AdamKasp)
  • #1121 [Maintenance] Allow flex plugin during plugin installation (@lchrusciel)
  • #1125 Configure global flex and additional plugin to fix the build (@Zales0123)
  • #1123 Add extra validation to CSRF checker (@AdamKasp)
  • #1124 [Loyalty] Channel relation to the Loyalty Rule (@Rafikooo)
  • #1127 Split loyalty configuration into multiple tabs & do not require loyalty rule configuration (@Zales0123, @Rafikooo)
  • #1144 Rename tag tagged to tagged_iterator (@GSadee)
  • #1146 [DX] Removal of final keyword on commands (@lchrusciel)

v1.0.0-ALPHA.7 (2022-05-05)

  • #1008 [Template][Events] Refactor templates to use Sylius events (@ernestWarwas)
  • #1009 [Maintenance] Support PHP 8.1 (@Rafikooo)
  • #1011 [Maintenance] Add missing removed templates to UPGRADE file (@GSadee)
  • #1010 [Templates][Admin] Improve shipment block on order details page + remove duplicated priorities (@GSadee)
  • #1012 Bring back checking ECS (@GSadee)
  • #1015 [DX] Split unit and spec tests between Bounded Contexts (@coldic3)
  • #1014 Check coding standard for Behat tests + move configuration of paths (@GSadee)
  • #1016 [Modularity] Introduce phparkitect (@ernestWarwas)
  • #958 [docker]Dockerized Sylius Plus (@Ferror)
  • #1019 [Role] Add missing translation for catalog promotions in roles tree (@GSadee)
  • #1021 [DependencyInjection] Move registering resources to prepend method (@GSadee)
  • #1022 [Traits] Tests for traits introduced (@ernestWarwas)
  • #1023 [maintenance]Use WKHTMLTOPDF binary from ENV instead of fixed path (@Ferror)
  • #1027 Fix static analysis after SyliusMailerBundle v1.7.0 release (@GSadee)
  • #1028 [ReturnRequest] move delegatingCalculator to proper Bounded Context (@AdamKasp)
  • #1029 Move orderItemController to proper bounded context (@AdamKasp)
  • #1031 move channel listener to proper bounded context (@AdamKasp)
  • #1033 Add missing note to upgrade file (@AdamKasp)
  • #1024 [Returns] Use Factory to create ReturnRequest (@SirDomin)
  • #1025 [Tests] Unit tests moved to unit test namespace in bounded contexts (@ernestWarwas)
  • #1035 [Tests] Small improvements to tests for model traits (@ernestWarwas)
  • #1017 [Returns] States for partial returns and receives (@coldic3)
  • #1036 [Maintenance] Introduce EditorConfig (@coldic3)
  • #1032 [Maintenance] Optional pdf generator (@Rafikooo)
  • #1039 Upgrade file and code style improvements (@Rafikooo)
  • #1043 [Returns][Shop] Fix show action icon (@coldic3)
  • #1034 [Customer Pools] move listener to proper context (@AdamKasp)
  • #1044 [Maintenance] Add a note to UPGRADE file about moving ReviewCreateListener (@GSadee)
  • #1046 Remove unnesessary services (@AdamKasp)
  • #1042 [maintenance][postgres]Remove doctrine dbal meta configuration (@Ferror)

v1.0.0-ALPHA.6 (2022-04-05)

  • #945 [RBAC] make label optional (@AdamKasp)
  • #946 ChannelSetup service overridden for sylius:install:setup command repair (@Rafikooo)
  • #947 sylius:install:setup - code improvements (@Rafikooo)
  • #950 [Doctrine] Remove output walkers in Driver (@SirDomin)
  • #949 [Returns] Do not use specific implementation of CustomerContextInterface in action (@Zales0123)
  • #935 [RETURNS] ReturnRequestUnit made a resource (@TheMilek)
  • #948 Pagination for multi-channel fixed (@AdamKasp)
  • #956 [Composer] add conflict to symfony-framework-bundle (@SirDomin)
  • #954 [ChannelAdmin] Rename listener (@AdamKasp)
  • #940 [Maintenance] Remove doctrine/orm conflict (@lchrusciel, @GSadee)
  • #955 [UI] Checkout with registered email (@SirDomin)
  • #957 [Maintenance] Remove conflict to symplify/package-builder (@GSadee)
  • #961 [Maintenance] Add conflict to symfony/dependency-injection and symfony/framework-bundle to fix a build (@GSadee)
  • #962 [Maintenance] Bump up Sylius versions + remove Symfony conflicts (@GSadee)
  • #963 [Returns] RequestReturnHandler refactored not to flush data (@ernestWarwas)
  • #968 ADR template (@ernestWarwas)
  • #959 [BC BREAK] Split and reorganize AdminUserTrait and interface (@AdamKasp, @lchrusciel)
  • #967 [ChannelAdmin] Refactor ResourceChannelChecker and ResourceChannelEnabilibityChecker (@GSadee)
  • #973 [ChannelAdmin] Add notes about refactoring resource channel checkers to UPGRADE file (@GSadee)
  • #974 Order entity replaced with string in SendReturnRequestConfirmationCommand (@ernestWarwas)
  • #977 [Maintenance] Move RBAC services definitions from yaml to xml notation (@coldic3)
  • #975 [Loyalty][PHPSpec] Fix wrongly named LoyaltyPointsTransactionLoggerSpec (@GSadee)
  • #976 [ChannelAdmin] Refactor resource channel checkers to use exception instead of returning false (@GSadee)
  • #988 [BC BREAK] [Customer] Split customer repository into traits and services (@GSadee)
  • #981 [BC BREAK] [ProductVariant] move interface to bounded Context (@AdamKasp)
  • #982 [ProductVariant] update ugrade file (@AdamKasp)
  • #966 [Shop] Templates overriding refactored (@TheMilek)
  • #980 [Shop] UPGRADE file updated due to shop template overriding refactor (@TheMilek)
  • #992 [BC BREAK] Split repositories into traits or query builder services (@GSadee)
  • #998 [SHOP] UPGRADE file explaining changes on shop templates fixed (@TheMilek)
  • #984 [Adjustment] split between Bounded Contexts (@AdamKasp)
  • #985 [Adjustment] update upgrade file (@AdamKasp)
  • #989 [Shop] Template events launched for a loyalty (@Rafikooo)
  • #978 [BC BREAK] Split customer between bounded contexts (@AdamKasp)
  • #993 [BC BREAK] [Returns] Replace order item unit repository with a query service (@GSadee)
  • #994 [BC BREAK] [Product] Replace product repository with a query services (@GSadee)
  • #999 [Maintenance] Add note to UPGRADE file about the repositories refactor (@GSadee)
  • #979 [Customer] update upgrade file (@AdamKasp)
  • #990 [BC BREAK] [Order] Split orderTrait between Bounded Contexts (@AdamKasp)
  • #1001 [Order] Minor fixes after merge (@AdamKasp)
  • #996 [BC BREAK] [ProductVariant] Replace product variant repository with a query service (@GSadee)
  • #997 [BC BREAK] [CustomerPools][ShopUser] Replace shop user repository with a query service (@GSadee)
  • #987 [BC BREAK] [Shipment] Split between bounded contexts (@AdamKasp, @GSadee)
  • #991 Add note to UPGRADE file after splitting Shipment entity (@AdamKasp)
  • #964 [BC BREAK] Split channel between bounded contexts (@AdamKasp)
  • #983 [Channel] split channel trait upgrade file (@AdamKasp)
  • #1000 Adjust changes from order to Upgrade file (@AdamKasp)
  • #1004 [Maintenance] Clean up UPGRADE file after repositories refactor (@GSadee)
  • #1002 [Config] Resources definition refactor (@Rafikooo)
  • #1005 [Maintenance] Code standard (@Rafikooo)
  • #995 [Maintenance] Empty options in KnpSnappy pdf configuration (@coldic3)
  • #1006 [Templates] replace sonata events with sylius template events (@SirDomin, @GSadee)
  • #1007 [Maintenance] Bump copyright year (@coldic3)

v1.0.0-ALPHA.5 (2022-02-16)

  • #936 Drop support for PHP 7.4 + Symfony 5.2 and 5.3 (@GSadee)
  • #938 [Composer] Remove a conflict to payum/payum ^1.7 (@GSadee)
  • #939 Support Sylius v1.11.0-ALPHA (@@GSadee)
  • #941 Support Sylius v1.11.0-BETA.1 (@GSadee)
  • #942 [Inventory] Improve InventorySourceStockType to extend AbstractResourceType (@GSadee)
  • #943 [Fixtures] Add fixtures for catalog promotions (@GSadee)
  • #944 [Maintenance] Support stable Sylius v1.11.0 (@GSadee)

v1.0.0-ALPHA.4 (2021-12-20)

  • #930 [Rbac] Replace usage of Zend\Stdlib\PriorityQueue with Laminas\Stdlib\PriorityQueue (@GSadee)
  • #931 [Maintenance] Adjust services and configuration after dropping support of Sylius 1.9 (@GSadee)
  • #932 [Behat] Remove deprecated whitespace from behat tags (@GSadee)
  • #933 Support Symfony 5.4 (@GSadee)

v1.0.0-ALPHA.3 (2021-10-08)

v1.0.0-ALPHA.2 (2021-08-31)

  • #908 Fix version of Plus requirement for v1.0.0-ALPHA.1 in UPGRADE file (@GSadee)
  • #907 [Maintenance] Unify split shipping & return tags for admin (@lchrusciel)
  • #910 Change username and email in workflow for synchronization with PlusInformationCenter (@GSadee)
  • #909 [Inventory] Add tracked product to cart with untracked product (@GSadee)
  • #912 Fixes after Sylius tags 1.9.7 and 1.10.1 (@GSadee)
  • #911 [Inventory] Resolve problem with unassigned inventory source due to wrong order of callbacks (@GSadee)
  • #913 [SM] Change priorities of State Machine callbacks (@arti0090)
  • #915 Fix changing priorities of state machine callbacks (@GSadee)
  • #918 [Admin][Dashboard] fix customers calculation for channels (@SirDomin, @Tomanhez)
  • #917 Update InvoicingPlugin (@Tomanhez)
  • #914 [Api]Use iri instead of code in commands and models (@Tomanhez, @Zales0123)
  • #920 Upgrade InvoicingPlugin to 0.18 version (@GSadee, @Arminek)

v1.0.0-ALPHA.1 (2021-07-26)

  • #884 Add support for Sylius 1.10 (@AdamKasp, @GSadee, @Zales0123)
  • #894 Small UPGRADE file fixes after #884 review (@Zales0123)
  • #897 Upgrade to stable Sylius 1.10 (@GSadee)
  • #896 Update steps in upgrade file (@Tomanhez)
  • #895 [BUG] Adding product review as guest (@arti0090)
  • #899 [FIX] Change how 1.9 is build with product review validator (@arti0090)
  • #900 Upgrade to stable RefundPlugin 1.0 (@GSadee)
  • #901 [Composer] Add psr/simple-cache to dev requirements due to problem with installation (@GSadee)
  • #902 [Composer] Move psr/simple-cache from dev requirements (@GSadee)
  • #903 [Composer] Remove friendsofsymfony/oauth-server-bundle from requirements (@GSadee)
  • #904 [GitHub Actions] Configure workflow to run on the workflow_dispatch event (@GSadee)

v0.40.0 (2021-06-24)

  • #870 [Api] Add customers id next to token (@Tomanhez)
  • #872 [OAuth] Adjust user provider to work properly with customer pools (@GSadee)
  • #873 [API][Inventory] Secure adding product to cart with insufficient stock (@GSadee)
  • #871 change buses to sylius_default.bus (@SirDomin)
  • #875 [API] Fix product variant normalizer after upgrade to Sylius 1.9.4 (@GSadee)
  • #878 Use Symfony 5.2.* with github actions (@Tomanhez)
  • #879 Fix doctrine bundle configuration (@Tomanhez)
  • #882 Fixes after upgrade to RefundPlugin v1.0.0-RC.1 (@GSadee)
  • #881 [Inventory] Use InventorySourceStockInterface instead of InventorySourceStock as target entity (@GSadee)
  • #876 [Inventory] InventorySourceStockUpdater Fix (@Tomanhez)
  • #886 Add item when items in cart are not eligible (@arti0090)
  • #887 Changed AvailabilityCheckerInterface from core to plus (@arti0090)
  • #888 [Minor] Flush removed from handler (@lchrusciel)
  • #889 Remove flushes from handlers (@GSadee)
  • #891 [Admin][Api][Customer][Returns] Accepting & rejecting a return request (@Arminek)
  • #893 [API][Returns] Return return request in response after accepting/rejecting (@GSadee)

v0.39.0 (2021-04-30)

  • #859 Add validation for special symbols on code (@GSadee)
  • #861 fix bulk action (@AdamKasp)
  • #862 [Behat][API] Refactor and enable in API context the scenario for adding product available in multiple inventory sources to cart (@GSadee)
  • #863 [API][Cart] adding not tracked product (@AdamKasp)
  • #865 [UI][PartialShipping] Changing inventory source while partially shipping order (@Tomanhez, @GSadee)
  • #866 [API][PartialShipping] Changing inventory source while partially shipping order (@GSadee)
  • #868 [PartialShipping] Fix splitting shipment form when there is a simple product (@GSadee)
  • #864 [RBAC] Always return true if request not found in AdminPermissionResolver (@lchrusciel)

v0.38.0 (2021-04-06)

v0.37.0 (2021-03-25)

v0.36.0 (2021-03-22)

  • #831 Toggle doctrine migration (@arti0090)
  • #836 Add gitkeep file so src/Migration directory stays in code (@arti0090)
  • #829 Update to Sylius/Sylius 1.9 and Symfony 5 (@Tomanhez)
  • #837 [Bug] Customer list problem fix (@SirDomin)
  • #838 early return instead of throwing error (@SirDomin)
  • #841 [ChannelAdmin] Add early return instead of exception when there is no channel pricing field in form type (@GSadee)
  • #840 [API][PartialShipping] Add possibility to partially ship an order (@GSadee)
  • #839 Submitted RR (@Tomanhez)
  • #842 Upgrade invoicing & refund plugin version (@arti0090)
  • #843 [Docs] Add note in upgrade file for RefundPlugin (@arti0090)
  • #844 Set GitHub Actions timeout to 30 minutes to prevent us from bankruptcy (@pamil)

v0.35.0 (2021-03-11)

  • #823 [Loyalty] Buying loyalty purchase that will reset customer's loyalty points (@GSadee)
  • #824 Upgrade RefundPlugin to v1.0.0-RC.6 (@GSadee)
  • #825 Fix exception for inventory source with variant without name (@AdamKasp)
  • #832 [Behat] Change name of suite and tag for splitting shipments (@GSadee)
  • #833 [Behat][API] Split definitions of context services for admin and shop (@GSadee)
  • #834 [API] Seeing return request details (@arti0090)
  • #835 Added taxon behats, remove orm changes from #771 (@SirDomin)

v0.34.0 (2021-02-09)

v0.33.0 (2021-01-26)

v0.32.0 (2020-12-22)

v0.31.0 (2020-12-07)

v0.30.0 (2020-11-23)

v0.29.0 (2020-11-09)

  • #727 [Maintenance] Conflict with symfony doctrine bridge (@GSadee)
  • #726 [API][Shop] Implement requesting a return (@GSadee)
  • #728 [API][Shop] Secure return requests from unauthorised operations (@GSadee)
  • #731 [Behat] Fix argument name after upgrade Behat to v3.8.0 (@GSadee)
  • #732 [API][Swagger] Improve request body of request a return endpoint (@GSadee)
  • #730 Don't include "/" in product variant's name and code (@pamil)
  • #733 [API][Swagger] fix content type (@AdamKasp)
  • #729 [Api][Variants][InventorySource] Setting onHand value (@AdamKasp)
  • #734 Make declaration of denormalizer methods compatible with interface (@GSadee)

v0.28.1 (2020-10-27)

  • Unfinalized Behat pages

v0.28.0 (2020-10-23)

  • #716 [API]Add customer loyalty points account serialization and improve behat (@arti0090)
  • #720 [Loyalty]Don't create Loyalty points transaction when Loyalty points earned in order is 0 (@arti0090)
  • #722 [API] Empty loyalty transactions (@arti0090)
  • #724 [Fixture] Add getOneBy method to LazyOption (@lchrusciel)
  • #721 Refactor services and improve behat function (@arti0090)
  • #725 Upgrade RefundPlugin to RC.4 (@GSadee)

v0.27.1 (2020-10-27)

  • Unfinalized Behat pages

v0.27.0 (2020-10-13)

v0.26.1 (2020-10-27)

  • Unfinalized Behat pages

v0.26.0 (2020-10-02)

  • #687 Fix psalm errors after upgrading vimeo/psalm to 3.14.2 (@GSadee)
  • #686 Improve RBAC labels (@pamil)
  • #689 [Admin][Customer] Fix customer create form (@Tomanhez)
  • #690 [Admin][Customer] Add fix for ResourceChannelChecker (@Tomanhez)
  • #691 [Behats] Add fixes fo suites (@Tomanhez)
  • #693 [Customer][CustomerPool] provide only available customer pool for admin while customer creation (@AdamKasp)
  • #694 Upgrade to Sylius 1.8 (@GSadee)
  • #695 Configure migrations to use migrations from InvoicingPlugin (@GSadee)
  • #698 Fix Fixtures - replace UK to GB country shortcut (@Tomanhez)
  • #697 [API] Implement checking inventory source on shipment after checkout (@GSadee)
  • #699 [Addressing][Login] Fix Ajax controller for checks existence a customer in present customerPool (@Tomanhez)
  • #702 [Inventory] Bring back BC in AvailabilityChecker (@lchrusciel)
  • #703 Upgrade to Sylius v1.8.1 (@GSadee)

v0.25.2 (2020-08-27)

  • #688 Unfinalize fixture and example factory classes (@pamil)

v0.25.1 (2020-08-07)

  • #683 [Loyalty] Product per channel choice type (@Tomanhez)
  • #684 Remove unnecessary translations after upgrading sylius/sylius to 1.7 (@GSadee)
  • #685 [Loyalty] Unify names of channels based services (@GSadee)

v0.25.0 (2020-07-28)

  • #669 improve UI of loyalty purchase cards (@arti0090)
  • #671 [Loyalty Purchase] show only available LP in channel (@AdamKasp)
  • #672 [Loyalty Purchase] behats refactor + fixes (@AdamKasp)
  • #675 [Loyalty Purchase] add link to order on purchase history details (@AdamKasp)
  • #673 [Loyalty] Properly earning Loyalty Points with taxes and promotions (@Tomanhez)
  • #674 Seeing loyalty points total in customer info for admin (@arti0090)
  • #676 [Loyalty Purchase] history - name in details (@AdamKasp)
  • #679 [Loyalty Purchase] add migration to upgrade file (@AdamKasp)
  • #678 added view for loyalty points transaction on customer page (@arti0090)
  • #681 [Loyalty] Make points per product rule configurable per channel (@GSadee)
  • #680 [Inventory] Being unable to place an order with product if stock does not exist (@Tomanhez)
  • #682 Add sylius plus logo to admin login page (@AdamKasp)

v0.24.0 (2020-07-13)

v0.23.0 (2020-07-02)

v0.22.0 (2020-06-01)

  • #579 Move all twig templates to 'src/Resources/views/*' (@Tomanhez)
  • #580 Add missing commands in upgrade file (@Tomanhez)
  • #581 Fix duplicated shipping content (@arti0090)
  • #583 Beautify instructions (@pamil)
  • #584 [Composer] Add conflict to doctrine/inflector ^1.4 to fix taxons (@GSadee)
  • #585 update upgrade file with changes in product variant page (@arti0090)
  • #586 [Maintenance] Fix unit test fixtures after nelmio/alice update (@GSadee, @lchrusciel)
  • #590 [Maintenance] Temporarily add conflict to the 4.4.9 version of symfony/form (@GSadee)

v0.21.0 (2020-05-04)

v0.20.1 (2020-04-24)

  • #574 [Inventory] Change in InventorySourceStock mapping from entity to mapped-superclass (@GSadee)

v0.20.0 (2020-04-20)

  • #564 [Maintenance][Travis] Lock composer to stable versions (@lchrusciel)
  • #562 [CustomerPool] Minor word fix (@Tomanhez)
  • #563 [Channel] Split menus for each channel (@lchrusciel)
  • #567 [Order][Shippment] Add shipment show button from order (@Tomanhez)
  • #566 [Admin] Secure browsing products only for channel that admin has access (@GSadee)
  • #565 [Shipment][Inventory] Reducing inventory stock after shipment (@AdamKasp)
  • #568 [Shipment] Set shipment on unit (@Tomanhez)
  • #570 [Order][Shipment] Fix show button (@Tomanhez)
  • #571 [Admin][Channel] Add missing menu taxon field after upgrade Sylius to 1.7 (@GSadee)

v0.19.0 (2020-04-03)

v0.18.0 (2020-03-20)

  • #540 [Admin] Secure browsing customers only from the channel to which the administrator has access (@Zales0123)
  • #541 [Admin] Secure showing and editing customers only from the channel to which the administrator has access (@Zales0123)
  • #542 [Admin] Secure customer show and edit - fixes (@Zales0123)
  • #544 [PartialShipping] Partial shipment with no units validation (@Zales0123)
  • #545 [Admin] "Access to all channels" placeholder (@Zales0123)
  • #543 [Orders][UI] Improve orders show page (@AdamKasp)

v0.17.0 (2020-03-09)

  • #518 [README] Mention minimum-stability configuration in installation (@Zales0123)
  • #519 [Admin] Add channel to admin user (@Tomanhez, @GSadee)
  • #520 [Admin] Secure browsing orders, shipments and payments only from the channel to which the administrator has access (@GSadee)
  • #521 Update to Sylius 1.7 (@Zales0123)
  • #522 Revert TODOs from #431 (@Zales0123)
  • #523 [Admin] Secure browsing return requests, invoices and credit memos only from the channel to which the administrator has access (@GSadee)
  • #526 [RBAC] Fix shipments index after upgrade to Sylius 1.7 (@GSadee)
  • #527 [Behat] Enable Admin user with channel by default (@Zales0123)
  • #529 Remove docs transferred to (@CoderMaggie)
  • #530 [Fixtures] Add channel and roles to admin user fixture (@GSadee)
  • #528 [Admin] Secure access to a single resource from the channel to which the administrator has no access (@GSadee, @Zales0123)
  • #531 Update links to docs in README file (@GSadee)
  • #534 [Fixtures] Add enable permission checker to admin user fixture (@GSadee)
  • #533 Fix decorated resource providers (@GSadee)
  • #532 [Order] Add spaces between shipments on order (@AdamKasp)
  • #535 Update template for shipment date (@Zales0123)
  • #536 [Partial Shipment] Support shipped at date (@lchrusciel)
  • #537 [UI][Shipment] Add margin to email button (@lchrusciel)
  • #538 [Admin] Fix overwriting Sylius logo (@GSadee)

v0.16.0 (2020-02-21)

  • #483 [CustomerPool] CustomerPool minor word fix (@Tomanhez)
  • #514 [Fixtures] First add products to inventory then make orders and return requests (@GSadee)
  • #515 [Return request] Return rate index (@AdamKasp)
  • #517 [Return request] Make return rate a percent value (@AdamKasp)
  • #516 [GMV] GMV count all paid orders + add missing GMV tests (@AdamKasp)

v0.15.0 (2020-02-04)

v0.14.0 (2020-01-17)

v0.13.0 (2019-12-23)

  • #466 [Maintenance] Add missing migration from RefundPlugin (@GSadee)
  • #465 [GMV] Include the report period in filename (@GSadee)
  • #468 [GMV] Add Sylius Plus logo to report (@GSadee)
  • #467 Improve GMV report for no sales months (@Tomanhez)
  • #469 [GMV] Add grand totals to report (@GSadee)
  • #347 [Returns] Adding images during requesting a return (@AdamKasp, @GSadee)
  • #471 [Admin] Add temporarily missing translations for channel create/edit page (@GSadee)
  • #472 Update importing shop routing in README file (@GSadee)
  • #473 Minor routing reorganization in test app (@GSadee)
  • #474 [Admin][Inventory] Fix path for deleting an inventory source (@GSadee)

v0.12.2 (2019-12-16)

v0.12.1 (2019-12-13)

v0.12.0 (2019-12-09)

v0.11.0 (2019-11-22)

  • #433 [Behat][Inventory] Add scenarios for placing an order only with tracked virtual products (@GSadee)
  • #431 Lock on Sylius 1.6 (@Zales0123, @pamil)
  • #437 [Inventory][Stock] Fix build by fixing a message for range constraint (@GSadee)

v0.10.0 (2019-11-13)