I am parking this here for future reference in hopes that it might help someone else.
THE SETUP: This is for home use only. If you are looking for a commercial setup this is not for you. My radio station is not shared out publicly so the traffic levels are really low and therfore my server and bandwidth aren't an issue.
This setup uses Icecast2, Caddy, an external DNS Domain, a script I found on github, and one server. That's it.
THE SCRIPT: I am using a script called metadata grabber that I found here: https://github.com/cryptiksouls/icecast-shoutcast-metadata-grabber The directions are rather sparce and I also found out that the scripts included do not actually work. I had to grab the one used on the demo site. That one works BUT HAS LIMITS!
THE PROBLEM: The script works great! But for security reasons and, I suspect limits with JS, the script must be run on one domain. While on the surface this seems to be easy to overcome, it isn't. You see, you can't have your website on one domain and your music on another and get this script to work. Why? The script runs from the webpage to scrape the stream from the music server. Two domains.... limit issue comes into play. Caddy is a web server, and so is Icecast. Yes, Icecast has a built-in webserver. To utilize Icecast you have to setup a reverse-proxy which means you are essentially setting up a sub-domain. Doing this means you are forced to deal with two domains in your configuration of Icecast and Caddy which conflicts with the one domain limit of the script. There is way around this and Icecast itself is the answer.
CONVENTIONS USED IN THIS TUTORIAL: Main site: myhomesite.com radio site: radio.myhomesite.com external IP: 67.x.x.x internal IP 192.x.x.x
PRE-SETUP: First, to get true https with Caddy, you need to get a domain name. It doesn't matter where you get it, but you will need to set up your DNS records once you get one.
A @ 67.X.X.X
CNAME radio myhomesite.com
Next... download and configure Caddy. Caddy also lacks clear documentation. It makes a lot of assumptions so for complete newbies, it can be a bit confusing. This is why I have included a sample Caddyfile. Change it to fit your needs.
I am sure some have noticed that there are two domains: the main myhomesite.com and the sub-domain radio.myhomesite.com don't worry, this will work.
WEBSITE SETUP: Create your homesite set up and index.html page. This will be a landing page that will point to all your radio stations.
ICECAST SETUP: download and configure Icecast2 and set up your radio stations. For this tutorial, I will use the following radio stations: jazz and rock and use port 8000.
After you setup your icecast server you should be able to access these two stations using the following links:
http://192.x.x.x:8000/jazz https://radio.myhomesite.com/jazz http://192.x.x.x:8000/rock https://radio.myhomesite.com/rock
Now comes the solution. Icecast has a built-in web server and we are going to use it to serve up the pages for our radio stations. In this example the pages will be called jazz.html and rock.html. On UBUNTU SERVER, Icecast serves up web pages from /usr/share/icecast2/web directory so anything put there will be served up by Icecast. Neat huh? So place the two html files in this directory. This means the script will run on icecast2 and thus will run on one domain - the sub-domain. Place the metadataworker.js script in the same directory where you placed the html files. I like to keep thing seperate from icecast's stuff so I placed them in a directory labled r. /usr/share/icecast2/web/r <<< Place html files and the metadataworker.js file here. Or call it something else if you want.
Place this script into the two pages, be sure to change the radio.myhomesite.com link to point to your icecast server.
The metadataworker.js script - github forced me to save it with the extra .txt so be sure rename it to metadataworker.js before actualy using it.
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the landing page, place a link to your radio pages....
Now you should be able to access all your radio stations online AND have it show what is playing. For the jazz station you could use this link....
And that is all! Have fun.