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is a platform designed for visual learning through human feedback. With a user-friendly interface and API, it supports a range of visual modalities, diverse human input methods, and learning mechanisms based on human feedback.
The project is currently in its early stages and under active development. Your feedback is highly appreciated.
- âś… Intuitive Interface
- âś… Modern frontend design
- âś… Easy custom model integration
- âś… Multiple Visual Modalities
- âś… Images
- âś… Videos
- ⬜ ... (coming)
- âś… Diverse Annotations
- âś… Masks
- âś… Polygons and polylines
- âś… Bounding boxes
- âś… Versatile Scenarios
- âś… Object tracking
- âś… Object parts linking
- âś… Model-assisted Segmentation
- âś… Integration with Segment Anything Model
- âś… Positive and negative point prompts
- âś… Focus on specific local areas
- âś… Learning from Human Feedback
- âś… Model fine-tuning based on user feedback
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Refer to the quick start documentation for a more comprehensive guide.
In addition to standard polygon operations, BĂ©zier curves are supported, enabling precise annotations of curved objects, such as tires.
Create masks with pixel-level accuracy, ensuring a perfect fit with no gaps or overlaps.
Especially useful when annotating videos, the platform offers an effortless way to track objects across frames.
Objects obscured by others, resulting in fragmented representation, can easily be linked to form a cohesive annotation
The platform incorporates various shortcuts, streamlining the annotation process for enhanced speed and accuracy.
For polygons sharing a common edge segment, one can be cloned for the other, ensuring a seamless fit without any gaps or overlaps.
Given two annotations of the same type on both a start and an end frame, heuristic interpolation can automatically generate all intermediate annotations.
We offer an API that seamlessly integrates the human labeling interface with deep learning models. Our server facilitates model inference and tuning based on user input. Calculations can be executed on both CPU and GPU platforms.
For instance, our SAM module taps into the Segment Anything Model from Meta AI to enhance segmentation speed and efficiency. While the SAM models are openly accessible to the public, their labeling interface remains proprietary. We also offer advanced features, such as local prediction, to ensure top-notch segmentation results. For a detailed guide, please refer to our documentation.
Leverage deep learning models to perform segmentation tasks across entire images, aiding the segmentation process.
Direct your attention to specific regions of an image and request the model to generate segmentation predictions for that particular section. Such localized predictions often yield more detailed segmentations.
In addition to utilizing prompts for refining predictions, users can make subsequent adjustments to these predictions. By gathering these modifications, you can train a model that's fine-tuned to your specific needs. Our SAM module comes equipped with features that assist in fine-tuning the SAM decoder seamlessly.
Nutsh offers a Python SDK, enabling the quick and easy integration of your custom models in Python into the platform. Additionally, our gRPC interfaces are available for a more low-level but flexible approach to integrating your ideas. As an example, check the auto-tracking feature for videos to see how integrated tracking models can enhance your annotation workflows.
Consult the documentation for further information, including:
- Core Concepts
- Usage Guidelines
- Project Serialization
- The SAM Module
- Custom Tracking Model Integration
- Contribution Guidelines
and more!
If you find the platform useful for your research projects, please cite
title = {nutsh: A Platform for Visual Learning from Human Feedback},
author = {Xu Han and Fisher Yu},
howpublished = {\url{}},
year = {2023}