This project is in a very early stage.
- Install prerequisites
- Common
- Windows
- vcpkg & OpenbLAS
git clone .\vcpkg\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat .\vcpkg\vcpkg integrate install vcpkg install openblas --triplet x64-windows-static
- vcpkg & OpenbLAS
- Linux
- For Debian/Ubuntu:
sudo apt install libasound2-dev
- For Debian/Ubuntu:
- Install npm packages & build
# clone thesia repo & cd to the directory npm install -g @napi-rs/cli npm run build:backend npm install
npm run start
npm run package
The target binary is under release/build/<os>/
- Re-ordering tracks
- Releasing v1.0
- Selecting audio output device (and exclusive mode)
- Region selection and loop playback
- STFT parameters preset
- pitch / formant tracker
- Adaptive STFT (sth like iZotope RX Editor)
- Showing the average FFT magnitude
- Export as figures