A project uses Spark and Scala to transform data available in CSV files and text file into a data warehouse. The data warehouse uses also Airflow (Composer) to orchestration and Big Query to store data about accidents in tables.
The source of the data is https://www.kaggle.com/sobhanmoosavi/us-accidents
The data are available in us-accidents.zip
The archive contains nine files:
– data about accidents in USgeoDataCentral.csv
– data about accidents' localizationweather.txt
- data about weather from different airports
The data stored in the warehouse are described by 2 facts:
- Number of Accidents - stored as HLL (HyperLogLog)
- Distance - sum of the length of the road extent affected by the accident
Thanks to using HLL even if one accident blocked a road for a few days, it is counted as one.
The data stored in the warehouse are described by 7 dimensions:
- Time
- Location
- Surrounding
- Temperature
- Visibility
- Weather Condition
- Severity (degenerated dimension)
The following technologies and libraries are used by the project:
- Scala 2.12
- Spark Core 3.1.2 - the main Spark library
- Spark SQL 3.1.2 - the Spark library enabling using DataFrames and DataSets
- Spark Alchemy 1.1.0 - library enabling using HLL
- Airflow - orchestration of the creating tables in Big Query and running Spark jobs
Each class in main catalog is independent program with its main
- TimeLoader - fill the Time table with data
- LocationLoader - fill the Location table with data
- SurroundingLoader - fill the Surrounding table with data
- TemperatureLoader - fill the Temperature table with data
- VisibilityLoader - fill the Visibility table with data
- WeatherConditionLoader - fill the WeatherCondition table with data
- AccidentLoader - fill the Accident table with data
To run Airflow DAG for this project, you have to do the following steps:
- Create bucket for storing temporary file by Spark during working with Big Query
- Create bucket for storing required files:
- JAR with Spark Alchemy Assembly,us-accidents-warehouse_2.12-1.0.0.jar
- JAR with compiled project,- unzipped CSV files
- Fill
with proper values and load them to Airflow - Upload
to the bucket with DAGs
contains all steps required to run processing:
- Create Dataproc cluster
- Delete old Big Query dataset (if exists)
- Create new Big Query dataset
- Create all required tables in Big Query
- Run Spark jobs loading data to the dimensions tables
- Run Spark job loading data to the fact table
- Delete Dataproc cluster