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Tapis CLI


$ git clone
$ cd tapis-cli-ng
$ pip install --upgrade --user .

Docker Container Image

As an alternative to local installation, the CLI is available as a public Docker image tacc/tapis-cli-ng:latest. Run it like so:

docker run --rm -it -v ${PWD}:/work -v ${HOME}/.agave:/root/.agave \
    tacc/tapis-cli-ng:latest bash

A local build of the image can be created and launched using make image followed by make interactive. Previous builds are available on [Docker Hub](

Getting Started

The CLI features extensive contextual help. To start, one may get a listing of supported commands and global options via --help.

$ tapis --help

Find available subcommands:

$ tapis apps --help
Command "apps" matches:
apps create
apps disable
apps enable
apps history
apps list
apps pems grant
apps pems list
apps pems revoke
apps pems show
apps publish
apps search
apps show
apps unpublish
apps update

Get Help:

$ tapis --help

There is a --help flag for each command.

$ tapis help apps list
$ # or
$ tapis apps list --help

Initializing a Tapis Client

This release marks the debut of a simplified scheme in which a single host-specific client is generated and maintained for each combination of tenant and username. To initialize a host to use Tapis, simply run tapis auth init command.

$ tapis auth init
Available Tenants
3dem     bridge  designsafe irec    portals sd2e    sgci
Enter a tenant name:
Username: tacotron
Password for tacotron:
| Field        | Value                           |
| tenant_id    |                       |
| username     | tacotron                        |
| client_name  | |
| api_key      | uAShaDfy0vF7hgFcAqx7oeAtO6oa    |
| access_token | a31c66cfaa45451c95df6fd473ffd4b |
| expires_at   | Thu Sep 19 14:08:37 2019        |

Re-running without changing tenant or username will display the current auth context, while changing either tenant or username (or specifying --interactive mode) will re-initialize the host to use the specified tenant/username combination.

Explicit configuration switching (tapis auth switch) is not (yet) supported.

NOTE If you have a configured, but expired Agave client in ~/.agave/current, the init command may fail to detect the expiration and may skip a key step. If you get a message Tapis client appears invalid re-run with tapis auth init --interactive and follow the prompts.

Usage Examples

The following illustrate basic patterns implemented in each Tapis CLI command. Explore their help documents to learn more details.


Simply list resources (apps, in this case) known to an API. List commands support limit and offset arguments.

$ tapis apps list --limit 3
| id                            | label            |
| | Image Classifier |
| vina-ls5-1.1.2u3              | Autodock Vina    |
| vina-ls5-1.1.2u2              | Autodock Vina    |


It is possible to search for resources matching specific fields. Rather than require a user to remember complicated query syntax, searchable fields are presented as command line options. Search modifiers are supported. Search commands also support limit and offset arguments.

This is an example of help for a search command.

$ tapis apps search -h
usage: tapis apps search [-h] [-f {csv,json,table,value,yaml}] [-c COLUMN]
                        [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}] [--noindent]
                        [--max-width <integer>] [--fit-width] [--print-empty]
                        [--sort-column SORT_COLUMN] [--no-verify]
                        [-H API_SERVER] [-z ACCESS_TOKEN] [-l LIMIT]
                        [-o OFFSET] [--id mod STRING] [--name mod STRING]
                        [--version mod STRING] [--revision mod INT]
                        [--label mod STRING] [--short-description mod STRING]
                        [--long-description mod STRING] [--owner mod STRING]
                        [--public mod TRUE] [--execution-type mod STRING]
                        [--execution-system mod STRING]
                        [--deployment-system mod STRING]
                        [--available mod TRUE] [--parallelism mod STRING]
                        [--default-processors-per-node mod INT]
                        [--default-memory-per-node mod INT]
                        [--default-node-count mod INT]
                        [--default-max-run-time mod STRING]
                        [--default-queue mod STRING]

Search the Apps catalog

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--no-verify           Allow insecure server connections when using SSL
-H API_SERVER, --api-server API_SERVER
                        Tapis API server
                        Tapis access_token
-l LIMIT, --limit LIMIT
                        Limit to L records
-o OFFSET, --offset OFFSET
                        Skip first O records

Search arguments:
--id mod STRING
--name mod STRING
--version mod STRING
--revision mod INT
--label mod STRING
--short-description mod STRING
--long-description mod STRING
--owner mod STRING
--public mod TRUE
--execution-type mod STRING
--execution-system mod STRING
--deployment-system mod STRING
--available mod TRUE
--parallelism mod STRING
--default-processors-per-node mod INT
--default-memory-per-node mod INT
--default-node-count mod INT
--default-max-run-time mod STRING
--default-queue mod STRING

Any named field (id, parallelism, owner, etc.) can be searched. Here is an illustration of searching for an app by specific name. The equality (eq) modifier constrains the result to identical matches. Using like allows the search term to a match a substring. Wildcards or regular expressions are not (currently) supported.

$ tapis apps search --name eq vina-ls5
| id               | revision | label         | shortDescription   | public | executionSystem  |
| vina-ls5-1.1.2u3 |        3 | Autodock Vina | AutoDock Vina is   | None   | docking.exec.ls5 |
|                  |          |               | an open-source     |        |                  |
|                  |          |               | program for doing  |        |                  |
|                  |          |               | molecular docking  |        |                  |
| vina-ls5-1.1.2u2 |        2 | Autodock Vina | AutoDock Vina is   | None   | docking.exec.ls5 |
|                  |          |               | an open-source     |        |                  |
|                  |          |               | program for doing  |        |                  |
|                  |          |               | molecular docking  |        |                  |
| vina-ls5-1.1.2u1 |        1 | Autodock Vina | AutoDock Vina is   | None   | docking.exec.ls5 |
|                  |          |               | an open-source     |        |                  |
|                  |          |               | program for doing  |        |                  |
|                  |          |               | molecular docking  |        |                  |
$ tapis apps search --name eq image
$ tapis apps search --name like image
| id               | revision | label            | shortDescription | public | executionSystem     |
| |        3 | Image Classifier | Classify an      | None   | tapis.execution.sys |
| lassify-1.0u3    |          |                  | image using a    |        | tem                 |
|                  |          |                  | small ImageNet   |        |                     |
|                  |          |                  | model            |        |                     |
| |        2 | Image Classifier | Classify an      | None   | tapis.execution.sys |
| lassify-1.0u2    |          |                  | image using a    |        | tem                 |
|                  |          |                  | small ImageNet   |        |                     |
|                  |          |                  | model            |        |                     |
| |        1 | Image Classifier | Classify an      | None   | tapis.execution.sys |
| lassify-1.0u1    |          |                  | image using a    |        | tem                 |
|                  |          |                  | small ImageNet   |        |                     |
|                  |          |                  | model            |        |                     |


A show command replicates the original CLI behavior where <service>> list <<identifier>> would return a detailed display of one specific Tapis entity. The new CLI separates this out into its own verb for the sake of clarity.

$ tapis apps show
| Field                    | Value                                                            |
| id                       |                                    |
| name                     |                                          |
| version                  | 1.0                                                              |
| revision                 | 3                                                                |
| label                    | Image Classifier                                                 |
| lastModified             | 6 days ago                                                       |
| shortDescription         | Classify an image using a small ImageNet model                   |
| longDescription          |                                                                  |
| owner                    | cicsvc                                                           |
| public                   | None                                                             |
| executionType            | CLI                                                              |
| executionSystem          | tapis.execution.system                                           |
| deploymentSystem         |                                                  |
| available                | True                                                             |
| parallelism              | SERIAL                                                           |
| defaultProcessorsPerNode | 1                                                                |
| defaultMemoryPerNode     | 1                                                                |
| defaultNodeCount         | 1                                                                |
| defaultMaxRunTime        | None                                                             |
| defaultQueue             | None                                                             |
| helpURI                  |                                                                  |
| deploymentPath           | /home/docking/api/v2/prod/apps/ |
| templatePath             |                                                       |
| testPath                 | test/                                                     |
| checkpointable           | False                                                            |
| uuid                     | 3162334876895875561-242ac119-0001-005                            |
| icon                     | None                                                             |

One can get a JSON representation of the record by passing the verbose flag:

$ tapis apps show -v


Assume one is the author (or an authorized contributor) to The Tapis metadata for the app can be updated usng tapis apps update <app_id>. Here's an example:

$ tapis apps update -F imageclassif.json


Install CLI in editable mode:

pip install -e .

Run all the tests:

python -m pytest

Run tests with tox:

# Note tox is not included in requirements.txt
pip install tox

Code structure

API commands are implemented as subclasses of TaccApisCommandBase, which handles Oauth client setup, and either TaccApisFormatOne or TaccApisFormatMany, which are in turn subclassed from cliff's Lister and FormatMany classes. This design reflects two kinds of responses: a list of records or a single record (or response to a CRUD action).

Each command is implemented as a TitleCased class in a snake_cased module, which in turn are organized by platform, version, and service under the commands subpackage. Consider the tapis apps list command. It is one of the Tapis APIs, the command being implemented is specific to the v2 version of TACC APIs, and is a command pertaining to the apps service. Thus, the command is defined in class AppsList in tapis_cli.commands.taccapis.v2.apps.apps_list.

This code structure reflects two requirements. The first is that the cliff package uses setuptools entrypoints to establish command line functions. The second is that the Tapis CLI will integrate multiple platforms and versions of TACC-hosted services. There is space marked out in the CLI design for v3 of Tapis, management functions for hosted Gitlab and Container registry, and eventual public release of the TACC SSH Keys service.

Returning to the setuptools topic: Each command is defined in setup.cfg by defining a command and pointing to the implementing class. The apps list command is defined as shown below.

Example setuptools entrypoint:

console_scripts =
    tapis = tapis_cli.main:main
tapis.cli =
    apps_list = tapis_cli.commands.taccapis.v2.apps:AppsList

This combination of mixture of code namespacing and configuration is intended to support migration of specific services to new versions, while maintaining code and capability to support earlier versions.

Commands are further constructed using mix-in classes. These are all (for now) defined in Examples include a class ServiceIdentifier which makes a command require an identifier to be specified as a positional parameter, and JsonVerbose which extends cliff's -v flag to automatically turn up the number of fields reported to the maximum allowed by the command and to force a switch to the JSON formatter.

Within the service-level package for each command is a models sub-package where the "data model (or models)" for the service are defined. In apps, one has App, AppPermission, and AppHistory.

Model classes aren't really models in the strict sense of the word, as they don't encode any knowledge of how the underlying API code works. Instead, their primary role is to define the top-level fields returned by each service, in what context the field is returned, and whether the field is searchable. They also encode rules for how to render specific fields for display. For example, there is a rule defined in the File model to humanize display of file sizes when the display formatter is anything but JSON, and another one to transform "Agave" style permissions (READ_WRITE) to be better aligned with the UNIX shell environment (rw-).

Very limited unit tests are implemented in the tests directory, which make extensive use of fixtures to minimize duplication of text code.

Automated code linting (to PEP8) and code coverage analysis are included in all PyTest runs to encourage sustainable development practices.


The project uses Sphinx and the Napoleon extension, which is configured to support Google-style documentation strings.

Regenerate the documentation:

make docs

Code Style

The project code style is vanilla PEP8, as configured by the [flake8] section of setup.cfg. Use of yapf autoformatter is supported and encouraged to maintain the codebase, and is available via the make format Makefile target.

Roadmap and Issue Tracker

Major functional objectives are bundled into Milestones with due dates in the future. This provides a way to organize the work and have a public road map for functionality.

All work should proceed through at least one or more reported Issues.