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Invoke-CMDetectOSUpgradeImageDetails.ps1 version 1.0.0
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NickolajA committed May 14, 2019
1 parent 0f86e4d commit a26306a
Showing 1 changed file with 208 additions and 0 deletions.
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@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
Detect architecture and build version number for operating system upgrade package that's used within the running task sequence.
Detect architecture and build version number for operating system upgrade package that's used within the running task sequence.
This script cannot be executed outside of a task sequence. It needs to be running before the Upgrade Operating System step in an In-Place Upgrade task sequence.
Set the URI for the ConfigMgr WebService.
Specify the known secret key for the ConfigMgr WebService.
# Detect architecture and build version number for operating system upgrade package used executing running task sequence:
.\Invoke-CMDetectOSUpgradeImageDetails.ps1 -URI "" -SecretKey "12345"
FileName: Invoke-CMDetectOSUpgradeImageDetails.ps1
Author: Nickolaj Andersen
Contact: @NickolajA
Created: 2019-05-09
Updated: 2019-05-09
Version history:
1.0.0 - (2019-05-09) Script created
[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
param (
[parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Set the URI for the ConfigMgr WebService.")]

[parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Specify the known secret key for the ConfigMgr WebService.")]
Begin {
# Load Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment COM object
try {
$TSEnvironment = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment -ErrorAction Continue
catch [System.Exception] {
Write-Warning -Message "Unable to construct Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment object"; break

# Set logging path
$LogsDirectory = $Script:TSEnvironment.Value("_SMSTSLogPath")
Process {
# Functions
function Write-CMLogEntry {
param (
[parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Value added to the log file.")]

[parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Severity for the log entry. 1 for Informational, 2 for Warning and 3 for Error.")]
[ValidateSet("1", "2", "3")]

[parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Name of the log file that the entry will written to.")]
[string]$FileName = "OSUpgradeImageDetails.log"
# Determine log file location
$LogFilePath = Join-Path -Path $LogsDirectory -ChildPath $FileName

# Construct time stamp for log entry
if (-not(Test-Path -Path 'variable:global:TimezoneBias')) {
[string]$global:TimezoneBias = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::Local.GetUtcOffset((Get-Date)).TotalMinutes
if ($TimezoneBias -match "^-") {
$TimezoneBias = $TimezoneBias.Replace('-', '+')
else {
$TimezoneBias = '-' + $TimezoneBias
$Time = -join @((Get-Date -Format "HH:mm:ss.fff"), $TimezoneBias)

# Construct date for log entry
$Date = (Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy")

# Construct context for log entry
$Context = $([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name)

# Construct final log entry
$LogText = "<![LOG[$($Value)]LOG]!><time=""$($Time)"" date=""$($Date)"" component=""OSUpgradeImageDetails"" context=""$($Context)"" type=""$($Severity)"" thread=""$($PID)"" file="""">"

# Add value to log file
try {
Out-File -InputObject $LogText -Append -NoClobber -Encoding Default -FilePath $LogFilePath -ErrorAction Stop
catch [System.Exception] {
Write-Warning -Message "Unable to append log entry to OSUpgradeImageDetails.log file. Error message at line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber): $($_.Exception.Message)"

function Get-OSImageData {
param (
[parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Task sequence package ID.")]
try {
# Determine OS Image information for running task sequence from web service
Write-CMLogEntry -Value "Attempting to detect OS Image data from task sequence XML data" -Severity 1
$OSImages = $WebService.GetCMOSImageForTaskSequence($SecretKey, $SMSTSPackageID)
if ($OSImages -ne $null) {
if (($OSImages | Measure-Object).Count -ge 2) {
# Select the first object returned from web service call
Write-CMLogEntry -Value "Multiple OS Image objects detected selecting the first OS Image object from web service call" -Severity 1
$OSImage = $OSImages | Sort-Object -Descending | Select-Object -First 1

# Create custom object for return value
$PSObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
OSVersion = $OSImage.Version
OSArchitecture = $OSImage.Architecture

# Handle return value
return $PSObject
else {
# Create custom object for return value
$PSObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
OSVersion = $OSImages.Version
OSArchitecture = $OSImages.Architecture

# Handle return value
return $PSObject
else {
Write-CMLogEntry -Value "Call to ConfigMgr WebService returned empty OS Image data. Error message at line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber): $($_.Exception.Message)" -Severity 3; exit 4
catch [System.Exception] {
Write-CMLogEntry -Value "An error occured while calling ConfigMgr WebService to get OS Image data. Error message at line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber): $($_.Exception.Message)" -Severity 3; exit 3

function Get-OSArchitecture {
param (
[parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "OS architecture data to be translated.")]
switch ($InputObject) {
"9" {
$OSImageArchitecture = "x64"
"0" {
$OSImageArchitecture = "x86"
"64-bit" {
$OSImageArchitecture = "x64"
"32-bit" {
$OSImageArchitecture = "x86"

# Handle return value from function
return $OSImageArchitecture

# Get the SMSTSPackageID value from TS Environment
try {
$SMSTSPackageID = $TSEnvironment.Value("_SMSTSPackageID")
catch [System.Exception] {
Write-CMLogEntry -Value "Unable to read _SMSTSPackageID value from TS Environment" -Severity 3; exit 1

# Construct new web service proxy
try {
$WebService = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri $URI -ErrorAction Stop
catch [System.Exception] {
Write-CMLogEntry -Value "Unable to establish a connection to ConfigMgr WebService. Error message at line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber): $($_.Exception.Message)" -Severity 3; exit 1

# Get OS Image data
$OSImageData = Get-OSImageData -TSPackageID $SMSTSPackageID
if ($OSImageData -ne $null) {
# Translate operating system build version from web service response
$OSImageBuildVersion = [System.Version]::Parse($OSImageData.OSVersion).Build
Write-CMLogEntry -Value "Operating system build version detected as: $($OSImageBuildVersion)" -Severity 1

# Set TS Environment variable for operating system build version
$TSEnvironment.Value("OSUpgradeBuildVersion") = $OSImageBuildVersion
Write-CMLogEntry -Value "Setting TSEnvironment variable 'OSUpgradeBuildVersion' with value: $($OSImageBuildVersion)" -Severity 1

# Translate operating system architecture from web service response
$OSImageArchitecture = Get-OSArchitecture -InputObject $OSImageData.OSArchitecture
if ($OSImageArchitecture -ne $null) {
Write-CMLogEntry -Value "Operating system architecture detected as: $($OSImageArchitecture)" -Severity 1

# Set TS Environment variables
$TSEnvironment.Value("OSUpgradeArchitecture") = $OSImageArchitecture
Write-CMLogEntry -Value "Setting TSEnvironment variable 'OSUpgradeArchitecture' with value: $($OSImageArchitecture)" -Severity 1

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