- Unix, Linux, OS X, and all of the Unix-like operating systems
An operating system is what your computer uses to run the most basic tasks; it's what everything else is built upon. A Unix-like OS is any OS that behaves like Unix with the same (or similar) commands and shell.
Also known as *nix, Unix-like systems are incredibly popular, especially within the development community. The majority of the web servers in the world run Linux operating systems, and so do a lot of enterprise systems. Many development tools are developed for Unix-like systems before being ported to Windows. Generally you will run into fewer problems coding with a Unix-like environment than a Windows environment.
- Get out your USB drive. If you don't have one, partner up with someone who has one.
- Get out your laptop. If you don't have one, partner up with someone who has one.
- If on Mac or Linux
- You're already running a Unix-like operating system! Good job.
- If on Windows:
- Download Rufus USB Installer
- Download the Puppy Linux .iso file from here
- Follow these instructions, except we'll be installing Puppy Linux instead of Ubuntu.
- Restart your computer and boot into Puppy Linux.
- When you are booted in: do not eject the USB.
- Stand up and draw an animal (and write your name) on the board.
If you have any questions, just call me over.
- Ex:
- You: "Yo yo yo, Naitian. This be throwing an error."
- Me: "Fo' sho', lemme take a look."