Streamlit program for classification of Ti-ENPs and Ti-NNPs from spICP-TOFMS Data
- Install streamlit, pycharm (or any other IED). Streamlit opens in a browser (for example: google chrome) and the browser acts as graphical user interface. (IED can be used to read or edit codes.)
- Using Pycharm terminal open streamlit webApp on browser by typing "streamlit run" and press enter. Here webapp is the name of the file that contains source codes.
- Both source code file and helper file should be kept in the same folder.
- Import all the libraries needed and install the packages.
- Once you have running webapp, drag or upload the files that you want to classify.
- A csv or an excel file where mass is defined in attograms can be used for the current program or it can be changed by the user if needed.
- The user can set the XD_mass (particle-type detection limit in mass) to classify the particles. For the neat suspension data provided, the X_D,Ti,Ti-Nb value of 9320 ag can be used. This X_D value is calculated based on a Ti:Nb ratio of 300:1