ngEO-Light Query Server (ngeo-LWS) is the project to replace the ngEO-WS by implementing the functionalities which are needed for hosting the ngEO-client and interfacing with SX-CAT and potentially other external catalogues. It is not expected to interface with other components such as the ngEO controller or hosted processing facilities.
Show what the library does as concisely as possible, developers should be able to figure out how your project solves their problem by looking at the code example. Make sure the API you are showing off is obvious, and that your code is short and concise.
Resources Requirement
For optimal performance it should run well with 2 CPU, 4Gb RAM, 100Gb memory
- Install Git
- Create a repository where you want to place your ngEO-LWS folder
- CD to this repository
- Retrieve the project git in your repository by typing
git clone
As ngEO Query Server uses some libraries that uses some OS dependant libraries, you have to install first some dependencies that are used in this project to run it well. For example, ngEO-LWS uses expat-lib which depends on node-gyp which depends on gcc version 4.9+ (c++11).
Redhat/Centos 6.x pre installation (Thanks to Antoine Jammes for help)
For that we have compiled for you the .repo needed in order to install them in the simpliest manner. The list of libraries to install is:
- node.js version 7.x latest (nodesource-el6.repo)
- mongo db version 3.4 (mongodb-org-3.4.repo)
- devtoolset-3 owned by rhscl (rhscl-devtoolset-3-epel-6.repo)
Steps installing rhel/centos dependant libraries:
Before going forward, we assume that you already did git clone
to your git project (ngEO-LWS
)cp ./packaging/rhel-centos/v6/*.repo /etc/yum.repo.d/
yum clean all ; yum repolist
yum install nodejs mongodb-org
yum install devtoolset-3-gcc.x86_64 devtoolset-3-gcc-c++-4.9.2-6.el6.x86_64
scl enable devtoolset-3 bash
At this step you have all you need to launch the ngEO-QS
Other Linux pre installation
You have to install
- node.js version 7.5.0
- npm version 4.1.2 (for windows installation it is already contained in)
- devtoolset-3-gcc.x86_64 and devtoolset-3-gcc-c++-4.9.2-6.el6.x86_64
- MongoDB Community Edition version 3.4
Windows post installation
You have to install
- node.js version 7.5.0
- npm version 4.1.2 (for windows installation it is already contained in)
- in windows, because of expat-lib used in this project, you have to install in admin mode this module
npm install -g windows-build-tools
- MongoDB Community Edition version 3.4
- set mongod path in environment variables as well described in mongo web site (you can call it from everywhere)
MacOsx pre installation
You have to install
- node.js version 7.5.0
- npm version 4.1.2 (for windows installation it is already contained in)
- MongoDB Community Edition version 3.4
- set mongod path in environment variables as well described in mongo web site (you can call it from everywhere)
From the project folder
- CD to this repository (
) - At this step, you already retrieve the project git in your repository by typing
git clone
- Then do
npm install
and that is it as the package.json file contains already all required libraries
See on src/config directory and define :
- database access, account, password,
- host,
- etc.
We have generated a self signed certificate and key for https protocol.
You can change them in the folder src/ssl
- private key name shall be :
- public certificate name shall be :
If you want to change the name then adapt the code in src/app.js
How to create a self-signed PEM file:
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -new -nodes -x509 -days 3650 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem
Linux or Macosx commands
Commands | Production command | Development command | Test command |
Starting server | npm start |
npm run start-dev |
Stoping server | npm stop |
npm run stop-dev |
Test with Coverage | npm run coverage |
open in your favourite browser localhost:3000
, you should see the ngeo project as the ngeo client is also integrated into the project
Windows commands
- You need to run the
command with adminstrator rigths because of mongoDB database - Before running mongod and mongo from Command Prompt, you need to add Path Environment Variables for MongoDB
- in the file located @
, you need to put the absolute path of the mongo log file inpath
attribute located @ in thesystemLog
attribute, because windows does not like relative path - On windows you need to run the
command with adminstrator rigths because of mongoDB database - Then type this command
mongod --config "<path where is installed your project>/.mongodb/conf/mongodWindows.conf" --install
Commands | Production command | Development command | Test command |
Starting server | npm run start-windows |
npm run start-windows-dev |
Stoping server | npm run stop-windows |
npm run stop-windows-dev |
Test with Coverage | npm run coverage-windows |
Open in your favourite browser http://localhost:3000
or https://localhost:3001
, you should see the ngeo project as the ngeo client is also integrated into the project
For other OS, please adapt the script
This topic explain some files that are provided in this project and are only used/write for linux platfrom. It aims is to put ngEO-LWS as service in a linux server.
The service file is called ngeo
and can be found @
Be aware to update the host ip adress
in this file before running it as service so it targets the rigth machine. You can also change the port in this file.
This file is to be placed in /etc/init.d
The aim of this file is to create a service, so when you logout from the machine, the service ngeo (the ngEO-LWS server) is still runnning.
Once it is runing you have two options:
- Either, you have modified some configuration files (for example, files that needs some credentials and are not and SHALL not be pushed in the gitHUB),
- either not:
If you have modified some files (for example in our case, in the operational platform ywe changed the credential of some configuration that are needed in feed), then before checkouting new files you have to put your modified files appart, retrieve new files from gitHib configuration and re-apply your modified files:
For that we have put a single script that those all our needs, and is name
If you want just restart without retrieving up to date new files from gitHub then just do
Be ware also that we have not put credentials in the configurations files in gitHub in some catalog that needs credential (for example for FEDEO founded) for EOP-ESA-SENTINEL targeting url"
But we have modified the credentials configuration in the operational host machine.
So if we need to retrieve up to date new files from gitHub, then we do in our case the command
which allow us to put the local modified file (in our case the catalogs.json) apart, retrieve new files from github, apply our modification file locally (calalogs.json) and restarting the ngeo-service.
If by installing node and npm you have troubleshootings by typing npm -v
- Then uninstall node
- In windows, go to {user-home}\AppData\Roaming and delete npm cache npm and npm-cache
- Do the same step on your favourite OS
- Reinstall node and normally all is well ;)
Follow chapter Starting/Stoping/Testing server
Follow chapter Starting/Stoping/Testing server
- SHUBIN Maxime ([email protected])
- ALIHOUSSEN Irchad ([email protected])
- MANOEL Olivier ([email protected])
Licensed under LGPLv3