Controls SOLA light engine. It covers this document.
pip install lle7ch
>>> from lle7ch import LLE
>>> lle = LLE()
>>> lle.enable_lights_disable_others({LLE.Light.RED, LLE.Light.BLUE}) # Enable Red and Blue LED, and disable other lights.
>>> lle.tune_intensity(LLE.Light.RED, 128) # Set intensity of Red LED as 128. (Min: 0, Max: 255)
>>> lle.enable_lights_disable_others({}) # Disable all lights.
>>> lle.read_temperature() # WARNING: this result may be wrong... please give me PR if you can fix this method.
You can make a plan to control LLE automatically.
r: LLE.Light.RED, g: LLE.Light.GREEN, c: LLE.Light.CYAN, u: LLE.Light.UV, b: LLE.Light.BLUE, t: LLE.Light.TEAL
$ cat plan.txt
set g,128
on g
wait 5
set b,255
on b,g
wait 5
$ lleplan plan.txt
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