This is the base system of this project for hexagonal transformation and visualization.
For The Hexagonal Machine Learning Module of this project see _ML/.
For the Extended Hexagonal Image Processing Framework HIP in C (CHIP) of this project see legacy/CHIP/.
sudo apt-get install libepoxy-dev libgtk-3-dev libxml2-utils libjpeg-dev libpng-dev libtiff-dev
wget && \
tar xzf 7.1.1-0.tar.gz && \
cd ImageMagick-7.1.1-0 && \
./configure && \
sudo make install && sudo ldconfig /usr/local/lib && cd ..
make Hexnet
Shared object for The Hexagonal Machine Learning Module of this project
Install Hexnet
make install
./Hexnet --help
Hexnet version 0.1 Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Tobias Schlosser ([email protected])
Usage: ./Hexnet [options]
-h, --help print options
-i, --input <image> square or hexagonal pixel based input image
-o, --output <image> hexagonal pixel based output image (s2h); h2s, h2h, and s2s output images' base name
--s2h-rad <radius> enable square to hexagonal image transformation by setting the hexagonal pixels' outer radius
--h2s-len <length> enable hexagonal to square image transformation by setting the square pixels' side length
--h2h-rad <radius> enable hexagonal to hexagonal image transformation by setting the hexagonal pixels' outer radius
--s2s-res <width> [<height>] enable square to square image transformation by setting the output resolution
--compare-s2s <image> compare square input (i, input) to input square image <image>
--compare-s2h compare square input (i, input) to hexagonal output image (o, output) using s2h-rad
--compare-metric <metric> compare-s2s and compare-s2h compare metric: AE / SE / MAE / MSE / RMSE / PSNR / SSIM / DSSIM
-d, --display display hexagonal input (i, input) or output image (o, output) using s2h-rad
-v, --verbose increase verbosity
make test
The European Union and the European Social Fund for Germany partially funded this research.