The Coding Outreach Group (COG) weekly summer workshops focus on a specific research skill or topic and aim to have participants actively involved. These workshops try to be as hands-on as possible with the goal of teaching new skills and techniques to people who already have some coding experience. For attendees to get the most out of the workshops, they should ideally already have some basic coding experience (i.e., be able to run an analysis in at least one coding language). People new to coding are welcome to attend but may not receive the adequate help needed to follow along with the content. If you would like to learn some basic coding, we have a list of tutorials for various programming languages.
Workshops are on Fridays in June and July from 12pm to 1pm
Date | Workshop | Presenter |
06/05/20 | Jupyter Notebook | Kim Nguyen |
06/12/20 | Git/Github | Michelle Chiu |
06/19/20 | Using publicly available datasets | Haroon Popal |
06/26/20 | Plotting data in R | Cristina Wilson |
07/03/20 | NO WORKSHOPS | |
07/10/20 | Psychopy | Susan Benear & Katie Jobson |
07/17/20 | JavaScript and jsPsych | Vaidya Viswanathan & Craig Williams |
07/24/20 | Neuroimaging in Python | Jeff Dennison |
07/31/20 | NO WORKSHOPS | |
08/07/20 | Representational similarity analysis | Iva Brunec |
Each workshop will list the necessary pre-requesites in their respective files, but here is some software we recommend you install before the workshops*:
- A command-line shell (i.e. Bash)
- A text editor you're comfortable with (Atom, VSCode, etc.)
- Python 3
- R
- A modern browser (Chrome, Safari, etc.)
The majority of these workshops will be faciliated using R or Jupyter Notebooks (a python notebook system). We recommend that workshop attendees download and install Anaconda for Python 3.7 as it includes R, R Studio, Python, Jupyter Notebooks, and a whole host of other libraries and packages that will be used throughout the workshops.
*: While most if not all of these tools are available on Windows PCs, we are currently most familiar with using them in the Mac OS. Anaconda is available for download for both PC and Mac.
COG is organized by Temple University graduate students Liz Beard and Haroon Popal