The installation of node-gyp is not necessary anymore The node package iconv is replaced by iconv-lite.
MAGSBS - MarkDown AG SBS module is required for running and using the AGSBS Atom Package. Please download latest version of MAGSBS - MarkDown AG SBS module.
This package is developed to make the transcription process more effective. It is a GUI toolkit which helps to transcribe study material to markdown which fulfill the AGSBS guidelines. A lot of its functions are executed and processed by MAGSBS. Our Atom package parses the returns strings and writes them into files, shows notifications, warnings, ...
There are a few open issues, please check Open Issues.
If you found a new issue. Describe how it occurs:
- Which view was opened?
- Did you use a shortcut or a icon?
- Was a error message shown?
- What files was open?
Also an screenshot is very helpful
AGSBS (Arbeitsgruppe Studium für Blinde und Sehbehinderte eng. working group for blind and visually impaired Students) is a working group of TU Dresden (germany). AGSBS works on (automatically) transcribing study material to offer it to the blind an visually impaired students.
- GUI for the creation of different markdown table
- grid table
- pipe table
- simple table
- import data from a csv file as a pipe table
- GUI for adding a image and add alternative text
- Formatting the markdown by various icons
- generation of HTML by using (Markdown TU Dresden Converter)
- GUI for adding Links
- preview for Markdown
- insertation of textboxes or annotations
- insertation of text frames (decoration)
- annotation of the creator
Supported languages of GUI are German and English. Shown warnings and notifications are created by MAGSBS. Other languages can be used in MAGSBS. For more information read MAGSBS Localization