The VMRP Web App is a routeplanner for the city of Munich, that enables to plan and compare routes with many different modes (private, sharing and public transport). It is part of the research project SASIM of M-Cube (Munich Cluster for the Future of Mobility in Metropolitan Regions). The goal of this project is, to give users a better understanding of the external effects of their mobility behaviour.
- plan multiple routes for a start- and destination address and a mobility mode
- compare different routes in a result list
- MobiScore: the MobiScore is a score developed by M-Cube, to evaluate the sustainability of a mobility choice for a particular route. The MobiScore calculation is based on the distance and the external costs of a route.
- compare costs, distance and travel time in a bar chart
- get further information on the external costs of a particular route
The VMRP Web-App is already deployed and can be accessed at It is to note, that the current version 0.2 is a beta-version, and bugs can occur.
Before the project can be run, make sure following steps are done:
clone project to your local repository
add your own API keys to the file config/ Currently you'll only need a TIER API key and add it as a string by replacing following attribute:
tierkey = '[Own TIER API-Key]'
Make sure, your have the right root directory selected, by changing constant ROOT_DIR in config/definitions to VARIANT 2 by commenting other variants and uncommenting VARIANT 2. VARIANT 1 for e.g. is needed if you want to build an .exe file
The application server can be then deployed locally by runing following command in the root of the flask_app project
The Backend REST-Api can be accessed at localhost:8000/plattform/ with the following params:
- inputStartAddress: a Munich address as type string in format "[Streetname] [#], München"
- inputEndAddress: a Munich address as type string in format "[Streetname] [#], München"
- tripMode: a valid tripMode
following modes can be used as the param tripMode:
- "CAR" : trip with a private gasoline car
- "ECAR" : trip with a private electric car
- "MOPED" : trip with a private moped
- "EMOPED" : trip with a private electric moped
- "BICYCLE" : trip with a private bicycle
- "EBICYCLE" : trip with a private electric bicycle
- "EMMY: trip using the closest Emmy sharing electric moped and walking to the vehicle
- "TIER" : trip using the closest TIER sharing e-scooter and walking to the vehicle
- (DB API deprecated - not used in frontend) "CAB": trip using the closest Call a Bike sharing bicycle and walking to the vehicle
- (DB API deprecated - not used in frontend) "FLINKSTER": trip using the closest Flinkster sharing car and walking to the vehicle
- "SHARENOW" : trip using the closest Sharenow sharing car and walking to the vehicle
- "PT" : trip using public transport and walking to the first station
- "INTERMODAL_PT_BIKE" : trip using public transport and using the bicycle to get to the first station
For accessing the Web-App Frontend, use localhost:5000/web/ (ideally in chrome web browser)
The backend uses an MVC Architecture. The Model is specified in the directories model/entities and model/enums. Furthermode multiple controller classes are used for the core functionalities, which are called by the TripController class, to create a new trip. To plan a new route create an object of the class TripController and execute the method get_trip() with the input variables start_location and end_location of the internal class Location, and trip_mode of the internal class TripMode.
trip_controller = TripController()
start_location = Location(lat=48.1663834, lon=11.5748712)
end_location = Location(lat=48.1377949, lon=48.1377949)
trip_mode = TripMode.BICYCLE
trip = trip_controller.get_trip(start_location, end_location, trip_mode)
All munich and mode specific variables from research are stored in the directory db in csv files. If the values in current research or pricing plans of the mobility sharing services change, these csv. files must be updated.
The frontend was developed using the Dart and SDK Flutter.
To integrate the frontend into the flask application server, a Flutter build file has to be created by using the build command
flutter build web
and then the content of build/web folder has to be added to the flask_app/templates folder. IMPORTANT: in flask_app/templates/index.html the line
<base href="/">
has to be replaced by
<base href="/web/">
to run to flutter web server locally use the command
flutter run
by default the remote backend server deployed at the Institute of Automotive Technology TUM is used. To use your own local backend server change the url property in flutter_frontend/multimodal_routeplanner/lib/04_infrastructure/datasources/route_remote_datasource.dart
The Web-App can be easily deployed using a docker-container. For own deployment the server_name attribute in nginx/project.config has to be replaced by personal url.
External Costs for Munich: Schröder, Kirn et al. - Ending the myth of mobility at zero costs: An external cost analysis
flask backend-server and flutter frontend developed by Gusztáv Ottrubay
([email protected] |
Nominatim with OpenStreetMap data
routing car, bicycle, walk and public transport paths
routing public transport paths and fetching price data
fetching location of EMMY vehicles
fetching location of TIER vehicles
fetching location of SHARENOW vehicles
contact [email protected] for support
MIT Public Licence