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Releases: TUW-VieVS/raPPPid

raPPPid v3.0

13 Mar 15:23
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(+) RT processing
(+) NeQuick-G
(+) NTCM-G
(+) VTEC from correction stream
(+) Linux compatibility
(+) XYZ plot
(+) AnalyzeSatelliteMetadataFileIGS.m
DCM improved

raPPPid v2.7

30 Dec 11:24
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(+) switch to LAMBDA 4.0
(+) HUST MGEX products
(+) TOBS format (experimental)
(+) stochastic settings DCM
bugfixes and improvements (e.g., BDS plotting)

raPPPid v2.6

26 Apr 18:44
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several bugfixes, CAS biases download changed
(+) new script: ConnectCDDIS.m

raPPPid v2.5

05 Mar 09:25
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(+) receiver clock break detection
(+) download IGS weekly coordinates
(+) improved handling of CODE ANTEX files
(+) experimental implementation of Decoupled Clock Model

raPPPid v2.4

18 Jan 10:55
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(+) added BDS frequencies B1AC, B2a, B2ab
(+) improved Android pseudorange and time generation (e.g., rollover, QZSS, BDS B2a)
(+) added Shapiro effect correction

raPPPid v2.3

22 Dec 10:25
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(+) QZSS processing
(+) polar tides correction
(+) detailed observation weighting options
(+) MP LC plots

raPPPid v2.2

06 Oct 11:26
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(+) VMF1/3 FC
(+) multi plot: convergence/accuracy
(-) multi plot: position accuracy
better colors for multi plots
improved handling of myAntex.atx

raPPPid v2.1

04 Aug 10:45
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parameter files updated
major bugs removed (e.g., APC correction PPP-AR)
improvements: LINUX, variable names
(+) permanent height correction solid tides
(+) PPP-AR with CODE rapid products
(+) JGX products

raPPPid v2.0

21 Jul 15:05
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(+) raw Android sensor data from Google GnssLogger App as observation input file (e.g., pseudorange generation)
(+) VMF1
(+) reference trajectory from GPX
(+) multipath detection (code difference) for all frequencies
(+) frequency dependent SNR threshold
(+) ORBEX attitude interpolation
(+) experimental support of RINEX v4
several bugfixes, updated references

raPPPid v1.6

12 May 06:39
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removing Matlab Toolbox dependencies
changing the default option of batch processing to no parallelization