openAFE is a C++ library to extract a subset of common auditory representations from a binaural recording or from a stream of binaural audio data, based on the Two!Ears Auditory Front-End
The openAFE can be installed easily by automake. To do so, type the following commands in a terminal :
>> cd openAFE
>> mkdir build
>> cd build
>> ../configure
>> make
>> sudo make install
This repository contains some DEMOs. They uses .mat files as input, so they need Matlab to be installed on your computer. To install the library and to compile the DEMOs, adapt the following commands according to your own Matlab directory before using :
>> cd openAFE
>> mkdir build
>> cd build
>> ../configure LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/MATLAB/R2015a/bin/glnxa64" CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/MATLAB/R2015a/extern/include -Wl,-rpath=/usr/local/MATLAB/R2015a/bin/glnxa64"
>> make
>> sudo make install
Check the examples directory to see how to use the DEMOs.