Term: Spring 2018
Team #5
Project title: AirPlan App
- team member 1: Hongyu Li
- team member 2: Jingyi Wang
- team member 3: Du Guo
- team member 4: Qianli Zhu
- team member 5: Yiran Jiang
Shiny Link: https://jingyiwang.shinyapps.io/Airline/
Project summary: Airplane is a popular transportation tool. In this project, we developed a new app called AirPlan which helps people plan their flights and learn more about different airlines. In particular, we focus on 14 major US airlines and offer a comparison between the regions they cover, their on-time performance, safety performance, luggage handling, service, and price. Unlike traditional airline planning websites which mainly focus on service or price, we cover more factors people might be interested in and help them make better and efficient decisions.
Contribution statement: All team members contributed equally in all stages of this project. All team members approve our work presented in this GitHub repository including this contributions statement. Here's their statements:
Hongyu Li: "I finished the tab named ‘Find the perfect airline’ and ploted parcoordinates for recommendation."
Jingyi Wang: "I finished the work of designing user unterface for the project; data cleaning and server part for Tab1"
Qianli Zhu: "I finished the work of page designing and feature building for Tab1."
Yiran Jiang: "I finished the code part of Tab2 with Du Guo and contributed to data mining and cleaning."
Du Guo: "I finished the code part of Tab2 with Yiran Jiang and contributed to image processing."
Following suggestions by RICH FITZJOHN (@richfitz). This folder is orgarnized as follows.
├── app/
├── lib/
├── data/
├── doc/
└── output/
Please see each subfolder for a README file.